Hobbun |

I talked to John Compton at GenCon in regards to this and he said we will see the material, but it will probably be more used for GMs with enemies/opponents than for players.
There may be a scenario here and there where the players earn Mythic just for the scenario, but there are no plans, at least right now, where you will be able to add Mythic tiers permanently.

wmullen |
There was a GenCon boon that sorta gave this. For 3 rounds you become mythic. You auto-stabilize and once during the 3 rounds you get a 1d6 surge.
After several re-reads of the Mythic Boon, I am somewhat disappointed. My barbarian gets a surge once per Rage as long as she has a coupl Rage Points left, which could happen several times in a module. My samurai, through his Resolve-Unstoppable feature, can Auto-Stabilize. I think that there is a feat or trait that can do the same.
I expected more from this boon. The Powers-That-Be may have been afraid of un balancing the PFS mods by allowing too much and I would agree. HOWEVER, with a 1, 2, or 3 round limitation, having a character go full Mythic (Path abilities, feats, etc.) should be enough to give a taste of the Mythic and maybe allow the party to get past one very deadly encounter. 3 rounds is not very long to wipe out a room full of monsters.
Besides which, if a Mythic character were rolling the way I did in Bonekeep Lvl2, he'd be dead real fast. No amount of Mythic overcomes straight up bad luck.
I hope that Mr Compton, rethinks this boon and allows some real Mythic abilities in. # rounds is not much time.

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There are alreayd a great deal of easy win abilties.
Mythic should be for home play and an occasional mythic thing very scenraio specific rarely.
I would love to see a special like bonekeep uber hard that for that adventure only you become mythic. (Hey paizo make people buy that book to play that one time advenute. Awesome idea)
This book is a HUGE power creep. Any more than a taste of it and you will unbalance the game for people that do not get to use it.

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I think the best use of the Mythic book in PFS will be for the monsters- allowing it for PC options is just too much, IMHO.
Yes, but I would like to stress that I would love love love to fight mythic enemies. In the hands of a good DM those fights would sound so epic, or perhaps I say....Mythic!