Damiancrr |
So i started playing D&D a little while ago, played about 4 sessions so far.The people i play with are not super experienced either. So need some help with a few things im not clear on. Something i wanted to ask if when using a spell and someone Will saves against it how is that calculated? What does the spell user have to do and what does the target have to do.
Right now im looking at a 2nd level spell for my bard called Unadulterated Loathing(http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/u/unadulterated-loathing)
For our next session im thinking of using it on some Gohls(i think thats how you spell it). They have really low Int. so im assuming it will succeed but i want to know exactly how it works so i know who it can and cant work on. Like if i use it against another player ect.
Also if there is anything i can do or get that would increase the chances/likeliness of it working.
Also along those lines is there a list where i can see vs. checks. Since im a bard i use Sleight of Hand, Disguise, Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate a lot. All skills that require a sort of mini pvp with the opponent's stats/rolls. But i dont know what stat i am trying to roll and beat. The only one i know is that Bluff is checked against Sense Motive but i dont even really know how that one works either.
Please and Thank You ^-^
We are playing Core + Pathfinder only so we use those rules. Pretty sure its 3.5 but i have no idea and dont know the difference. I just know it isnt 4e.
Katie Sommer |
This is probably the wrong section to ask your questions (This is the board for Pathfinder Society, an organized campaign, where it sounds like you want answers for a home campaign), so the thread is likely to be moved to the rules forum.
So, this is pretty basic stuff, which can be found in the Core Rulebook. I am going to assume you're playing Pathfinder rather than 3.5 and will tailor my answers towards that.
The DC for a saving throw is 10+spell level+casting stat modifier. So if you have a 14 charisma bard a second level spell would have a save DC of 10+2+2 or 14. You would cast the spell and the target would make a will save by rolling a d20 and adding their Will save to the number. If the final outcome is 14 or higher, the target shakes off the spell. All of this should be explained in the chapters of the Core Rule book on combat and magic.
The rules for skill checks can be found in the section on each of these skills. In a nutshell, opposed skill checks happen like this: you roll sleight of hand (d20+ your skill modifier) and the person/people that could observe it roll a d20 + their perception modifier. If their perception beats your sleight of hand, they notice it.
Diplomacy is more complicated and you should just read up on it in the skill chapter, it explains it better there than I could in a post. It basically depends on your targets starting attitude, the worse their attitude the higher the DC to improve it. Intimidate has a target DC based on the target's hit dice + wisdom modifier. So a 5 HD creature with a 14 wisdom would have an intimidate DC of 10+5(HD)+2(wisdom mod) or 17. Your intimidate roll would have to match or beat 17 in order to intimidate that target.
Starglim |
Creatures can have immunities to some types of spells, meaning that they just don't work without any roll. If you meant ghouls, they are undead and undead are immune to all mind-affecting spells. The descriptors in square brackets on the second line of unadulterated loathing show that it's mind-affecting.
If your GM allows you (or unusual events make it a good idea) to use a spell on another player's character, it uses the same rules.
You can heighten your spell saving throws, making them harder to resist, by getting a higher caster level, higher ability scores, feats such as Spell Focus and a few other bonuses.