Definitive E7 Rule-set?

Homebrew and House Rules

I recently picked up Dragon's Demand, and was planning on starting a new campaign using it in the coming weeks. And, seeing as how the module is supposed to get a party to level 7, I thought "Hey! This would be a great opportunity to use E7!"

Essentially, Dragon's Demand would get the party to the point where they're "serious adventurers" with a serious mission under their belt, and they would then be able to do things like join a league of heroes or travel the globe from there, letting power come from a more narratively focused point of view from there on out, rather than a numerical point of view.

So, in the spirit of such an idea, I would like to know:

What, if at all, is the definitive E7 ruleset?

What are the ins and outs? How much experience does it cost to buy a feat? Are there normally other purchasable abilities, or just feats? How does CR normally fluctuate as feats are earned?

I just want to know how all of this works, so I'm going into this with an entire tool set, not a box that has whatever tools I could remember to bring with me from 3.5's E6.

...Catch Phrase,


Does anyone have anything? Don't mean to bump my post, but my current search-fu isn't really turning up anything useful.

...Catch Phrase,


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