Removing Dead Campaign from tab

Website Feedback

Is there a way to remove yourself from a campaign where the DM is unresponsive so it no longer shows on the Campaign Tab?

Liberty's Edge

I have a similar situation, so I'd like to see the answer too.

When there have been no posts in the gameplay thread for 3 months, it will automatically fall out of Current Campaigns into your Previous Campaigns list. Before then, if you hide the game thread using the hide button on the far right of the main forum page, it will make the campaign disappear from your Campaigns tab.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks that worked.

Super awesome, thanks much for the assist

How do you unhide a campaign so that it appears once again in your current campaigns tab? A game that had died has come back to life, but I can't see when posts are made due to cleaning up a few months ago.

You need to find the gameplay thread in the Play-by-Post forum (with the SHOW ∅ option selected so you can see hidden threads) and unhide it by clicking on the ∅ again.

Also, if the GM made the thread inactive or set any of the players to inactive, they need to unclick those boxes for you all to get (x new) updates on your Campaigns tab again.

Thank you!

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