Habe's Sanatorium

Rise of the Runelords

This may seem like a stupid question, but I am a newer GM so this might be obvious to an experienced player/GM.


I'm running Chapter 2 of RotR right now and notice that there is a secret door on the third floor of Habe's Sanatorium. But it leads to a small room (5' x 5') that has a door leading out of it... But there are no reasons for this room that I've read yet? Have I missed something there?

Right now, the only reason I would keep it in there is for if Habe tries to escape the party, he could get through that door if the main door to A10 is blocked, but other then that, I'm at a loss.

Any thoughts?

Liberty's Edge

Yeah, it's just an extra door to the closet. Do with it what you will.

I had the same exact question when I ran this. It doesn't seem to serve much of a "secret" purpose.


Shadow Lodge

Put eye holes in the door somewhere, implying the patron likes to watch from secrecy.

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