Nashua, NH: Game Free or Die!!!

Gamer Connection

Open Gaming Convention is, um, tomorrow.

I'm going. Anyone else?

Don't have anything planned out or nothin', but me and my friend are planning to start the weekend off with The Night March of Kalkamedes. Take it from there.

Grand Lodge

Man, I can't find my file from last year with Ffiffiddlin's records!!!
(I forget what they're actually called.)

Maybe I'll stat up The Crimson Masque for PFS play.

Can you be a goblin yet?

Well, it looks like the session I wanted to play in is full. :(

I was just going to give in to depression and spend another Friday night crying to myself in the dark, but my friend said we should just get high and wander around the convention floor.

So, tonight I played a 5th-level Pathfinder game with pregens. I was, I I shiznit you not, Doctor Pike Mungdump, PhD, Goblin Alchemist. In an adventure that included a decadent corrupt aristocracy and illicit medusa sex, I fought a dire cockatrice, had a seduce-the-female-NPCs competition with another player who was, I think, a teenage girl, and made friends with Otie the Otyugh, whom I rode into battle during the climax of the game.

At the end, after defeating the evil plutocrats, we redeemed the medsua's daughters, turned Lord Tiberius Stoneward over to revolutionary justice and turned the kingdom over to an autonomos workers collective. Vive le Galt!

It was very awesome. If you have a chane to play under a dude named Chris Pierce, do so.

I played several games with Chris Pierce at last years OGC.

One of the best GMs I'm ever played with.

Who is that man in the wide-brimmed hat, shaded in, um, shadow?

Any chance you will be making an appearance at OGC, Darkrite?

Ulp, gotta go pick up some [bubble bubble bubble] before the next session! I'm looking at Expedition to the Barrier Peaks played in a system I know nothing about called Savage Worlds. Sounds like fun!

"You're always early, [she's] always late, first thing you learn is that you always gotta wait."

So true, Lou, so true.

Didn't make the 2:00 session, alas. I wonder what's going on tonight?

All right, now that I've got my shiznit together, here's the real deal:

I am going to play in an event entitled Walking Dead run under the 2013 Ennie-award winning system Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyberborea. I don't really know what that means, but I'm wicked excited!!!

I'm thinking tomorrow I will do all PFS. They seem to have twice as many people as last year!

Didn't play that at all. Showed up and I was the only player at the event. So me and the GM both went to the exclusive, sold-out 3 weeks in advance Saturday night Call of Cthulu game with exciting audio-visual equipment that was being frickin' tape recorded (for what purpose I am not sure.)

The year was 1928, and I was Fiona Adair, an NYU grad and budding author. The GM had provided a sheet with a lot of 1928 current events which included the crushing of soviets in some Chinese cities, the assassination of a Mexican revolutionary president and some other stuff about Egypt, so I introduced Fiona as a member of the Communist Party. That was vetoed by the Game Master, so I instead made her an ardent admirer of Benito Mussolini.

Everyone went to great lengths to tell me that you don't win at CoC, and that you should expect to either die or go insane. Nevertheless, our party stopped the Cult of the Black Wolf Mother (Shemnurath? Shebnurath? Something) from carrying out the Becoming (something the GM says rarely ever happens when he runs the game) and Fiona herself escaped the conflagration at Oakvale Manor by riding away on a bicycle to get help from the local constabulary.

Instead, she was thrown into an insane asylum, survived an assassination attempt by the surviving cultists, and was initiated as a novitiate into the Order of the Sword of St. Michael, which was the secret Catholic group that had been trying to blow us up in the beginning of the adventure. Only one other player survived, and she ended fleeing to Ireland and living under an assumed name.

So, I'd say that I won at Call of Cthulu. Yay me!!!

Oh yeah, the Astonishing blah blah blah of Hyperborea or whatever was rescheduled for tomorrow morning. If I can wake up that early...

Unfortunately I've been unable to make an appearance this year between the OT I'm pulling in and Mrs. Darkrite's new job.

At the Astonishing Hyperborean whatever game, I am proud to say that I was unanimously voted the Walking Dead's Most Valuable Player Character!!! [blushes]

Also, somebody suggested teaching the peasants about Marxist economics and setting up a workers collective...and it wasn't me!!!!

Later in the day, I played We Be Goblins, Too! where I was pleased to play Chuffy Lickwound and kick much pig butt.

Huzzah for OGC!!!

Darkrite wrote:
Unfortunately I've been unable to make an appearance this year between the OT I'm pulling in and Mrs. Darkrite's new job.


Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
At the Astonishing Hyperborean whatever game, I am proud to say that I was unanimously voted the Walking Dead's Most Valuable Player Character!!! [blushes]

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that my MVPC was a priest. He was, in fact, an Acolyte of Leafar the Loved, and I think he's going to be credited in the playtesting credits as such.


Grand Lodge

A pity I'm on the other side of the country.

Yes, it is a pity. Did you move to Arizona? I thought I saw you talking about Arizona somewhere.

Grand Lodge

That's correct, and off the beaten path as well. Hopefully I'll find some gamers hiding under rocks somewhere. :)

Dark Archive

TriOmegaZero wrote:
That's correct, and off the beaten path as well. Hopefully I'll find some gamers hiding under rocks somewhere. :)

I was in Casa Grande recently, which is a fairly surreal slice of Arizona. (Lots of irrigated farming surrounded by dust and scrub, lots of housing developments that are nothing but foundations abandoned in the desert, four lane highways with telephone poles lined up along them that abruptly end, it's like someone was building a stage set of a town, and half of the town is a mock-up for the cameras.)

Salt River Canyon OTOH was insanely cool.

It figures. Set avoids me all weekend, and then comes into my thread after the con is talk to TOZ about Arizona!!!

Set, I demand that we game together sometime soon! Honor has yet to be satisfied!

Dark Archive

If I had a car, we'd see more of each other, because I'd go work with you and make your life hell. :)

Seriously 'though, I checked out the games listed for the con and there wasn't a lot that jumped out at me.

Well, I had tons of fun.

Doodlebug Anklebiter's Patented Game Judging System

Out of four games: one was totally totally awesome, one was merely awesome, one was kind of pedestrian, but I led the players in a revolt and took the game over and made it awesome, and one was meh.

Next year I'm totally DMing. In fact, I'm going to need you to write me three awesome scenarios for next year. Friend Grimmy says you are wicked awesome about that kind of stuff. Please?

[Widens eyes and pouts. Make a Will save, DC 5]

Dark Archive

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Next year I'm totally DMing. In fact, I'm going to need you to write me three awesome scenarios for next year. Friend Grimmy says you are wicked awesome about that kind of stuff. Please? [Widens eyes and pouts. Make a Will save, DC 5]

No pouting necessary! PM or email me with ideas you want to riff over!

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