Alchemy Studios |
![Uzbin Parault](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/MadScientist_Final.jpg)
Something I'm currently working on is Prestige Weapon Style Feats
These are still heavily worked in progress feats. Some abilities might be a little too powerful, others not so much or even underpowered. Each feat levels and develops with other similar feats you get, and try to take martials to a bit of a wuxia-like state.
Each will have a BAB 6/11/16 ability, a non prereq ability, at least one non-combat ability, abilities that rely on class features or levels, and will slowly develop some defense powers on abilities that don't have it.
Currently, they are limited to 1 such feat per character, but that limitation might be dropped.
In addition, some of the more aggressive ones, will soon be getting some defensive powers.
Also yes, this is evolving style feats, but as I cannot change the name of the old post, I'm forced to make a new one to reflect what is in my doc.
Alchemy Studios |
![Uzbin Parault](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/MadScientist_Final.jpg)
A farmer weapon style (sickles/scythes)! A pickaxe style!
Farmer style sounds fun.. Oh right I forgot about one that was gonna be made.. "The Axe Maniac."
A few quick brainstorms on farmer style - "Revolutionist" This fighting style utilizes more improvised farm equipment. Disguise becomes class skills, and some abilities towards looking less like a warrior and more like a farmer, catching enemies by surpise.
Pickaxe.. "Maniac Miner" - Utilizes a pick ax to puncture through DR such as x/- dr, material type, even alignment types. Doesn't do anything against /slashing or /bludgeoning.. Causes bleed effects..
+5 Toaster |
Petty Alchemy wrote:A farmer weapon style (sickles/scythes)! A pickaxe style!Farmer style sounds fun.. Oh right I forgot about one that was gonna be made.. "The Axe Maniac."
A few quick brainstorms on farmer style - "Revolutionist" This fighting style utilizes more improvised farm equipment. Disguise becomes class skills, and some abilities towards looking less like a warrior and more like a farmer, catching enemies by surpise.
Pickaxe.. "Maniac Miner" - Utilizes a pick ax to puncture through DR such as x/- dr, material type, even alignment types. Doesn't do anything against /slashing or /bludgeoning.. Causes bleed effects..
Farmer could be some kind serf theme, all aid another stuff and protective abilities.
Alchemy Studios |
![Uzbin Parault](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/MadScientist_Final.jpg)
The peasantry is revolting!
Prerequisite:Disguise is a class skill.
Peasantry Warrior - None - Add half your base attack bonus to your disguise check when disguised as a farmer, serf or any other peasantry that would normally use a scythe or sickle as a tool for their profession. Any scythe or sickle you hold in this disguise requires a perception check vs your disguise check to realize it is actually a weapon.
Prepare the Cranial Harvest - Improved Grapple - Stepping on the enemy’s back you place your scythe’s blade under their chin. You may use a scythe or sickle to grapple a prone target. If you do, you take a -4 to the grapple check, but are not considered to be grappled yourself. You may also pin the prone enemy this way as well. Deal weapon damage to the enemy while grappling or pinning them in this method.
Cranial Harvester - Improved grapple, ??? - With a twist and pull, you sever your victims head from his body in a grisly harvest. Something something damage, target makes a fort save.
Peasant's Vault - ??? - You may use a scythe as a pole vault adding something to jump
Full-Weapon Scythe - ?Two-weapon fighting? - You may use the butt of the scythe as a double weapon dealing 1d6 points of B damage with x2 crit. For the purposes of construction and enchantment though, the scythe is still a single weapon..
Wheel of Death - Throw anything - You may throw your scythe or sickle as a thrown weapon. If you have a BAB of 11 or higher, the weapon flies back to your hand after the attack.
??? - Bab+6 - ???
??? - Bab+11 - ???
??? - Bab+16 - ???
My head is kinda stuffy right now or something and I'm having some difficulty putting words to thought...
The whole harvest tree thing in the style is kinda like This
There is to be some actual rules in there. But essentially its a save or die effect. I'll Also place a few things for group play with the revolutionist.
Alchemy Studios |
![Uzbin Parault](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/MadScientist_Final.jpg)
Mob Rules
Combat, Teamwork, Style
Prerequisite:Angry Mob: No Prerequisite: Stance You may use Angry mob Cha+1/2 your base attack bonus. The stance is activated as a swift action and requires an ally with Mob Rules. Add your rounds together for how long per day you have. While under the effects of Mob Rules, all members of the mob gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls per 5 bab.
Mob Mentality: Iron Will: While under the effects of Angry Mob, each member of the mob gains +1 will saves per two members in the mob.
Raging Mob: Rage Class ability: While under the effects of Angry Mob you may instead spend rounds of rage. In addition you may spend rounds of Angry Mob and Rounds of rage to incite rage in all members of the mob. They gain half the bonuses and penalties of your rage class feature.
Torches and Pitchforks : Simple Weapon prof: All members of the Angry Mob are Proficient with Torches, Pitchforks (Treat as a trident), Scythes, Sickles, and Knives. A torch is a club that deals 1d4 additional points of fire damage. Any enemy hit with a torch must make a dc 13 reflex save or catch fire if they have flammable items worn.
Mobs Anger: Intimidate 5 ranks: Any member of the mob may as a standard action, use an intimidate check against any creature to cause them to become frightened. The more in the mob the more effective this is (How so though?) Or one may as a standard action, cause one humanoid creature to join in the mob, regardless if they have Mob Rules or not.
The Mob Rules Fighting style. Its a toughy one.. I need to straighten up the language involved.