Looking for players...

Online Play

Dark Archive


I'm a new GM looking for players, preferably in the European time zones as I'd like to expand this online forum into conventions where possible.

I have access to most, if not all, of the scenarios currently printed so can accomodate new and old players alike.

Games will be played in the Play by Post style. As much as I would love to commit to a VTT, at the moment I'm working away from home four weeks out of six and that could prove problematic for ensuring that I can play the games on a VTT basis whereas PbP would make things much easier.

I'm looking for players rather than characters, so I shall accept the first six players who sign up and then if/when players drop then I'll return to this thread for a replacement.

I will require that players give me both their Society ID and a private email address to which I can email the chronicle sheets. I will retain hardcopies of all chronicle sheets, should these need to be presented or mailed out at any time.

For just now, I will not sign boons. As these are handouts at a convention, I'd be happy enough to sign them in person but not online.

Ideally I would like to kick off in the next week or so, so please feel free to register interest below.

Scarab Sages

Hello John,

I would like to try online/PBP gaming. In that vein I would like to try a 1-2nd level mod, not first steps...I know those by heart at this time. While I am in the centeral US, getting in a ew posts everyday would not be too hard for me. If this sounds ok, please let me know.



Dark Archive

Hi Eddie,

That's fine. We'll pull together a group and then decide on a scenario. I'm aware that First Steps is likely to be retired so we'll use a random subtier 1-2 scenario from Season 3 or 4. I'm about to run The Night March of Kalkamedes on another site, so it's not liable to be that one.


Liberty's Edge 2/5


I am also interested, but again a U.S. resident in the Mountain time zone. I am at a computer most of the day, though, so I can keep up well enough as a player. I've played a couple scenarios from seasons 3 & 4, but would be open to any of the others.



Silver Crusade

I am up to being in your group. I live in WA in the states. I normally post from work and my iphone. I up to whatever you want to run and I am looking for a GROUP to get know and play with. Thanks for considering me.


Silver Crusade

Sir John,
I present Thanagar Hol.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I would also like to try online/PBP, but am also U.S. ... pacific time zone.

I have excellent availability through the end of August, and then normal work schedule kicks in though I have pretty constant access all the time.

New to PbP, moderate PFS experience.

Dark Archive

Well it would appear that our little group is going to be trans-Atlantic. I'll create a campaign on the boards to use and we can make some decisions from there.

Dark Archive


Please follow the link above to the campaign for the scenarios.

Currently the group is made up of:

- emontague
- Derek Weil
- Trailjava/Thanagar Hol
- RyanH

I believe I have a friend who will take up the last spot so for just now, recruitment is closed. With Trailjava's character being first level, we'll be looking at playing tier 1-2.

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