Boon Cards

Homebrew and House Rules

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I started using a new system in my games that I created. I call them boon cards.

I wrote on several index cards. Each card has a bonus on it. When the party (usually) or an individual does something particularly awesome/epic, they get to randomly pick two cards from the deck. They look at those two cards and pick the one they want to keep. That character gets a permanent bonus added to their sheet.

If you draw a card that can not apply to your class (such as a spellcasting card for a character without spellcasting, or a card that has been used the maximum number of times) redraw that card until you get a card that can apply to your character. You may not redraw if you simply do not want that bonus.

The bonuses I have so far are (changes included):


+1/2 feat (take it twice to get a free feat. You must have the prereqs for the feat in order to take it)

+1/2 boon bonus to attack

+1 boon bonus to a saving throw of your choice (Max of +2 per save)

+1/2 Dodge bonus to AC

+4 to max HP

1/day +1d4 damage. Second time it's picked it increases to 2d4, and 2/day.

Class feature bonus. Discuss with DM. (this one is really broad. Pick a class feature, and the DM comes up with some kind of bonus to it. Such as the samurai's challenge only giving you -1 AC instead of -2.)

1 dash on an ability score of your choice (5 dashes = an increase. See below for my dash system)

+1 boon bonus to one skill. When chosen a second time, replace the +1 bonus with the skill focus feat, and that skill becomes a class skill.

+1 Spell known. This new spell cannot be of the highest spell level you can cast. IE, if the highest level spell you can cast is 3rd, you must pick a 0, 1st, or 2nd level spell. This new spell follows the same restrictions of learning a new spell as the class you are learning the spell for.

One additional spell slot/spell per day, 2 levels below the highest level you can cast*, OR two additional spell slots/spells per day, 4 levels below the highest level you can cast*, OR four additional spell slots/spells per day, 6 levels below the highest level you can cast*.
*Note that this is recalculated every time your level changes, so the extra slot(s) move up or down as your character levels up, or loses levels to revivification/level drain becoming permanent level loss.

Choose one spell that you can cast. That one spell has it's save DC increased by one. This boon can be taken twice for a total of +2 to the DC. Alternatively, if you have a Spell-like ability or other ability that uses a save DC, increase that by 1. This use also has the +2 limitation.

I also use a dash system. If you do something particularly cool or effective, but it isn't quite deserving of a boon card, you get a tally mark next to the Ability Score that most closely ties into what you did. If you get 5 tallies, your score goes up one. It gets harder and harder to get dashes the more you get though.

Now what I need/want is more ideas for cards. Your a pretty sharp lot, so what do you think?


I am disappoint.

I Like it. But too busy making up stuff for my own game to help.
Its good to reward good play. The game punishes bad play itself.

Thanks Murkmoldiev.

I use something similar called action points. Here is they do. You might get some ideas here. ion2/action-points

Oh also I really like your Boon System. Can I steal it ?

inkedmsd wrote:
Oh also I really like your Boon System. Can I steal it ?

Absolutely! All I ask is that you let me know if you come up with any new bonuses.

I added "Sell items for 1% more, or buy items for 1% less. Can be taken up to 10 times"

Verdant Wheel

+1 per day usage of an ability or point pool of the character's choice
+1 effective character level (or BAB) for one selected feat
+1 levels worth of a racial favored class bonus

rainzax wrote:
+1 levels worth of a racial favored class bonus

I really like that one. Thank you.

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