Things you didn't know exist in Pathfinder

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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Bill Dunn wrote:
Lovely, wererat waffles. I can feel my stomach turning now. Of course, you could use a mithral waffle iron to cook wereboar bacon too.

I wasn't planning to cook them. I just like the idea of charging into combat while brandishing a waffle iron.

just noticed the Lemure porn thing yesterday. hah!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Haladir wrote:
Cori Marie wrote:
Haladir wrote:
Aquaman is a perfectly viable player character concept.
Aquaman wouldn't be a sorcerer though. He's never been about magic as much as brute force. The only time he was truly magical was when he had the water hand. Now his former sidekick on the other hand? Tempest is the Aquatic Sorcerer you are looking for.
Not much of a comic book fan, but... swim speed, breathe underwater, telepathy with fish! Sounds like Aquaman to me!

How about DR due to living in the crushing depths, and super strength (enough to lift a city block out of the ocean)? Aquamn catches a lot of hell for Superfriends and only being useful for fish telepathy, when strength wise he's only a notch below Superman. Yes, the telepathy, water breathing and swim speed help, but the sorcerer casting abilities bring the class closer to the original Aqualad than Aquaman.

Shadow Lodge

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Trouble is 1) Aquaman normally isn't a magical character and 2) the bloodline powers that jive with Aquaman's abilities can mostly be put on a less magical character via the Eldritch Heritage feat line. Consider a Gillman Invulnerable Rager 17 that happens to have 13 Charisma*. With the feats Skill Focus (swim), Eldritch Heritage (aquatic) and two iterations of Improved Eldritch Heritage (aquatic) he nets himself the dehydrating touch, aquatic adaptation, and aquatic telepathy** powers, the latter two of which are the powers in the Aquatic bloodline most resembling Aquaman's. His class nets him decent DR and the option to add more through rage powers, as well as the Raging Swimmer rage power (weak, I know, but thematic). The only thematic thing he misses out on, and I'll admit it's a biggie, is the capstone ability of the Aquatic bloodline, which would give him immunity to water pressure. Is there a way to get him that without giving him sorcerer levels? Greater Eldritch Heritage doesn't suffice.

*Starting array after racial modifiers would be something like Str 15, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 12. I like the standard array, okay? By level 17 - he would need to boost Charisma at either level 4 or level 8 - it becomes Str 18, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 13 without rage bonuses, magic item bonuses or Mythic bonuses.
**At effective Sorcerer level 15, which using Improved Eldritch Heritage this character would have at level 17, this can be used to call aquatic life as though using greater planar ally.

GeraintElberion wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:
You forget that the PCs that survive RoW stand a good chance of returning to Golarion with a cache of modern firearms and heavy weapons (flamethrowers, mortars, machine guns, perhaps a cannon or two). So, this is a valid observation.

** spoiler omitted **

Flamethrowers pretty much already exist. See the Firedrake and Firewyrm siege weapons in UC

The Dreamlands. And from the Dreamlands you can get to Earth in the early 20th century.

There is also an entry in ultimate combat for a battle mech. Wat?

Grand Lodge

Which page?

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Which page?

Steam Giant

The entry is called Steam Giant. Two legs, an armored body, and a siege weapon on each arm.

Hmm... I kind of want to modify that to require two drivers that have to make Wis or Cha checks to synchronize their actions, then make them fight the Tarrasque with it.

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