Enhancing shields as weapons and armor

Rules Questions

Is there a way to do it? For example, my sword and board cleric with two weapon fighting would greatly benefit from his shield being +1 Guided.
Would I still be able to add armor enhancements to the shield? Would the +2 from the weapon enhancements count towards the total enhancement value if I do add armor enhancement?

"A shield could be built that also acted as a magic weapon, but the cost of the enhancement bonus on attack rolls would need to be added into the cost of the shield and its enhancement bonus to AC."


Awesome! So I take it that means I could spend 8000gp to make a shield +1 and Guided (a +1 property), and then if I wanted to improve the AC bonus to +1 would it cost the difference between a +2 and +3 armor? (5000gp)

That'd be a total of 13000gp for a +1 Guided Shield with a +1 to armor class. Am I right on this part?

Not the way I read it, friend. I always assumed shields were considered two separate items in this respect. So a total of +2 for its weapon enchantments costs you 8k gold and a +1 shield enhancement to AC costs you 1k gold, putting you at 9k.

You could also look into going for the Shield Mastery feat if this is your cup o' tea.

I see, that's a lot more affordable. I am planning on Shield Mastery, but the Guided property is a necessity as well, that'll be as far as I venture into weapon upgrades.

With the +2 in weapon enhancements, that would mean my armor enhancements can only go to +8, correct? Or would they be considered two separate items and you could essentially have a +10 shield and a +10 weapon as a shield (with extreme costs, of course).

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I would say that you could go all the way to +10 on both axes. Making your shield better for blocking doesn't affect its ability to deal damage and vice versa, so I couldn't see the harm.

That sounds a lot simpler than combining the two different costs from weapon/armor upgrades. Thanks for the guidance!

No problem at all, friend.

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