Question about character generation on hero lab?

Product Discussion

The Exchange

My friend is making a wizard on hero lab and a second favored class pops up, and I have never seen this before.

Is this because he has a 20 intelligence?

How is this possible?


Half-elves have a racial trait - Multitalented - that allows them to choose two favored classes at 1st level, and gain favored class bonuses for both.

The Exchange

He is a half elf wizard.

So does that mean if he chooses another class, such as a fighter he can level in it as well, just like if you were a multi class character, but you get the bonuses in both or does that mean it will take longer to level up because he is two classes?

Is that correct?

What is the highest level a multiclass character can be?

Anyone can multiclass in Pathfinder.

When you level you get a favored class benefit, but only for one class. If you multiclass you don't get to get that favored benefit (core rules it's either an extra hitpoint or an extra skill point).

A half-elf allows you to get that small extra bonus if you decide to take a multiclass. It's really not -that- good of a racial trait and requires that you know how you want to build your character ahead of time.

The highest level Pathfinder supports is level 20 regardless of the classes you take to get there. You could implement house rules if you wanted to play a 21+ level game though.

Leveling in multiple classes in no way changes the rate at which you gain levels or experience. You my have two favored classes as a half elf and you may gain the benefit of the favored class for either one.

The Exchange

Thank you all for the answering my questions. That helped a lot.

Liberty's Edge

The two favored classes come from the Multitalented half-elven racial trait.

There are alternative racial trades that can be taken by swapping this one out, and these are implemented in Hero Lab. However, you need to have the data packages for the books in which the options are given (in this case, the Advanced Race Guide).

So, if he doesn't want to multiclass, you might want to suggest another option, like Arcane Training, that allows him to use spell trigger and spell completion items for their favored class as if one level higher.

The Exchange

Heymitch wrote:

The two favored classes come from the Multitalented half-elven racial trait.

There are alternative racial trades that can be taken by swapping this one out, and these are implemented in Hero Lab. However, you need to have the data packages for the books in which the options are given (in this case, the Advanced Race Guide).

So, if he doesn't want to multiclass, you might want to suggest another option, like Arcane Training, that allows him to use spell trigger and spell completion items for their favored class as if one level higher.

Ok, cool! Thanks for the tip!

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