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I just went through and audited my chronicles in comparison to my online reporting history. I found a number of issues which I reported. Most were minor, but several were LL/SL characters being reported as other factions, and a few sessions were missing entirely.
I realize that my chronicles are my official record, but since reporting data has been used to determine which factions ended this season--and because the new "mission completion" checkbox is going to be used to determine important plot elements--it is important for the overall campaign health that we get, and subsequently stay, on top of this sort of thing.
So how can we improve this process? I've done plenty of data entry for my own game days and for local conventions, so I'm familiar with the system, and it could definitely use some de-clunkification. But while I'm pondering ideas, I want to see what other people think--what thoughts do you all have on the concept?

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As an organizer, the biggest pain-in-the-rear is not Paizo's reporting system; it's the players themselves. Too many times I can't read their handwriting, can't make out their PFS#s, they wrote down the wrong character, they wrote down someone else's PFS#, they haven't registered their PCs, they registered their PC but then changed their faction...the list goes on and on. I think the solution is the players need to enter the information themselves. We already work within the honor system. Last year I made a suggestion to combine table mustering with session reporting, hosted on Paizo's website. If Paizo does consider revamping the session reporting program, I hope they'll consider going a step further. But my short answer would be to enable a player to edit their own sessions.
Also, I think that event organizers should be recognized just like GMs are now. If you have reported a weekly event for a year, there should be some acknowledgment from the Campaign. That's dedication going unappreciated.

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I would like to see a 'regular players' identification feature when reporting. When I report a character once, it'd be great if I could just select them by name rather than having to input the digits every time.
As GMs, when we see that a player has not registered their character, we can nag them to do so.
Having said that, realistically it will be some time before we see any advances with the reporting tool - Paizo tech-heads are spending all their time building the Paizo Virtual Tabletop.

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Agree that it is the players mostly that cause this. For example after GenCon last year I gave the wrong number to the guy that ran the midnight pick up game we had. it happens. Im not sure how more streamlined can go though if the player has done there part. type in PFS #, tab character #, tab and PP gained. Every thing else fills in, or does if player filled in already.

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Also, I think that event organizers should be recognized just like GMs are now. If you have reported a weekly event for a year, there should be some acknowledgment from the Campaign. That's dedication going unappreciated.
I agree completely. I only ran a monthly game day, and only for half a year, but it was such a hassle that I honestly don't know how you weekly types do it.
As an organizer, the biggest pain-in-the-rear is not Paizo's reporting system; it's the players themselves. Too many times I can't read their handwriting, can't make out their PFS#s, they wrote down the wrong character, they wrote down someone else's PFS#, they haven't registered their PCs, they registered their PC but then changed their faction...the list goes on and on.
Is there any way we can make people understand this is important? Any time I see people asking about reporting errors here, someone tells them that it doesn't really matter, because the chronicles are the official record. Which is true enough, but as noted, the demographic information is important to Paizo.
A way for the person who created the event to delegate reporting duties to others.
Man, that would be great. I did some minor amounts of data entry for local cons earlier this year and it was such a hassle to have to go to the organizer, have him log me in, enter data, log out, repeat the next day, etc.

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I organize 4 stores(two of which run two to three tables a week or more) in Colorado Springs with two store coordinators to help with mustering at the stores and gathering the data to be reported. I agree with Doug that the issue is mostly with the players and GM's. Some of the time the GM is not using a PFS log sheet and sometimes they forget to write down which game they are even running. I find myself putting together a puzzle some of the time.
I spent about 3 hours reporting games the other night and spending that much time is not unusual. That does not include the time it takes to coordinate which games I am going to run and organizing the events themselves and then posting the schedule on google docs for my VC and store coordinators and then sending out calls for GM's and players.
IF there was an easier way to get players to log onto the Paizo site and set up their PFS accounts it would be awesome. Players do not realize how much it slows us to have to post in all of their name and faction information manually every time.
In addition to that, because our community is growing so fast, it is not abnormal to get a sheet to report and find e-mail addresses instead of PFS numbers. I then have to assign them a number and e-mail them the PFS number and confirmation code. I think the last time I did reporting I had to send seven such e-mails. This does not include the new players that got their own numbers.
Boy I wish all new players did that. It is not that hard to get a number on the Paizo site.
I am merely stating part of what I do as a VL and store coordinator. This is in no way a complaint as I love the game, and I will gladly spend this time to make sure our local pathfinder community can continue to function and have fun.
As Doug said earier, many players and GM's show up to the game week in and week out, but they do not realize what is happening behind the scenes and how little oversights can make for hours of work for someone on the other end.