Weapon choice for a Mad Dog Barb NPC


I've decided to run a Mad Dog Barb NPC to help my struggling party get through Rise of the Runelords and am seeking advice on which weapon to give him.

He's level 5 with 20 Str, 16 Dex, Power Attack, and Combat Reflexes. I really want this guy to be a melee powerhouse up in the front lines trying to flank with his war beast since that is the area the party has been struggling with the most. The weapons I was considering were falchion for the high crit range, bardiche for the reach, or greatsword for the high damage.

Keeping in mind that I will be trying to flank opponents at every opportunity and have a decent amount of AoOs, which weapon would you recommend and why?


I would say something with reach, eventually you can get combat patrol and hae a vicious range, perhaps that is different than what you were thinking, but that way you are truly supporting them without overshadowing them

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