Magical Horseshoes

Rules Questions

Lantern Lodge

Additionally, animal companions have access to magical item slots, in addition to barding and neck, as listed on the inside front cover of the Animal Archive so long as they select the Extra Item Slot feat. The Animal Magic Item Slots table found in Animal Archive is not a legal except under the following conditions. First, an animal companion, familiar, or bonded mount, may choose one slot listed under its body type when taking the Extra Item Slot feat (this feat may be taken multiple times, each time selecting a different available magic item slot based on the creature’s anatomy). Second, access to specific magic item slots may be granted at a later date by another legal source. If you do not own a copy of the Animal Archive, your animal companion may only use barding and neck-slot items.

I've scanned the boards enough to know you can't retro-fit mount items to non-horses, but am I reading this right in that it takes a feat (and the purchase of another book(!)) just to equip horses with, say, Horseshoes of Speed?

[Edit: Reformatting]

Liberty's Edge


Items that are specifically designed for a specific animal (e.g. horseshoes of speed or a magical saddle) can be worn and used by that particular animal.

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