New Spells from RotRL AE

Rise of the Runelords

The New Spells featured at the back of the AE (p.418)... what is the intent on these spells? Are these spells intended to be available and mentioned to the players at the start of the game? Should these be only available after a certain event? Should I space them out as the players are able to cast them?

My original thought was to include them as scrolls or in spell books so the players can learn of them as they level up. However, we have a spontaneous caster in our group, so I want to make sure he knows about them in enough time to be able to choose them at the appropriate level. In addition, many of the spells are divine as well, so I'm not sure if they should just be part of this world, or if I should make a moment where our cleric's Deity reveals the spells to him?

How did others handle these?

Well the spells can become available to the party wizard and witch* (some of them) at the end of book 3 and then all of them at book 5.
Now for you sorcerer (and bards), i would let him pick that spell, as one of his known spells, after he finds them in the spellbooks and spends some time studying them.
Now for the divine characters, for oracles i would allow them to pick it IF the spell is theme compatible with whatever being gives said oracle his powers (i always decide who/what gives the oracle his powers before the game starts). For clerics i would combine the above two, if the spell in question is theme compatible with the cleric's deity then i would allow the cleric to memorize the spell after finding the spellbook(s) and spending some time studying the spell, of course if the cleric's deity is either Lissala or the peackok spirit then i would allow them instant access to the spells.

*they become available to a witch if they give a spellbook to a wizard and then said wizard prepares the spell(s) and then create scroll(s) of the spell which the witch can feed to his familiar.

Have them become available if the party gets a Thassilonian spellbook like from the Necromancer at Habes' - in addition, they're available if you take out the mummy monk in the 4th AP book (he's guarding a scroll with these spells, I believe).

Tangent101 wrote:
Have them become available if the party gets a Thassilonian spellbook like from the Necromancer at Habes' - in addition, they're available if you take out the mummy monk in the 4th AP book (he's guarding a scroll with these spells, I believe).

Yes i forgot the

artifact super
scroll, all of them can be found there.

Perfect! That's exactly what I was looking for... I had a feeling that they probably made an appearance at some point, but I haven't finished reading the AP yet (on to-do list, but I'm only just now finishing up Book 1).

Thanks for the input! Much appreciated...


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