3 super earths discovered nearby

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let's go. who's with me?

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Yeah, we're in space, mate! Good on you!

The Exchange

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Is it just me, or is the use of the word "unearthed" in the article title rather ironic?

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Please be sexy please be sexy please be sexy

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I'm pretty sure the rich are going to claim those planets as their own property before any of us manage to get to them...

Silver Crusade

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MSN.com wrote:
Related: Could contacting aliens spell doom for humans?


Okay, 1. Shut it, Negative Nancy. And 2. You severely misspelled "all sorts of hotness" as "doom".

Bring on that future.

Icyshadow wrote:
I'm pretty sure the rich are going to claim those planets as their own property before any of us manage to get to them...

Until the uprising.

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Bah, we should have made an uprising against the rich ages ago. We're still just fiddling around even after the whole Snowden revelation over in the US. And sorry to be the bringer of bad news Mikaze, but the rich are going to take the hot alien ladies as well as the lands from the new planets before we can get to them, because none of us have gotten the guillotines ready in time. We'll be slaves to them there like we're slaves to them here now, and the alien chicks will most likely suffer the same fate. Yeah, and people have the nerve to ask me why I have misanthropic tendencies.

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Let the anger flow through you. Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
let's go. who's with me?

Like many such stories there is more hyperbole than fact.

Technically speaking, using classical definitions of the habitable zone, there are three planets in Sol's habitable zone? How many of them are actually habitable? The answer is one, and that's largely because it got lucky enough to have a freaky large moon to stabilize it's axis.

Actually even the term "habitable zone" is questionable. There are a lot of science writers who use that zone too broadly when even now, we've come to recognise that our sun's zone is actually a lot more narrow than the classic boundaries for it. IF Earth had been a little closer we'd have wound up like Venus, a bit farther and we'd be an iceball only with a denser atmosphere than Mars. The real key is having just that right balance of temperature and pressure that water can exist in all three states, liquid, solid, and vapor.

Dark Archive

I think they mean habbitable in the sense they'll find bacteria like life on those planets, maybe multi-cellular organisms but i doubt that we will see sapient creatures any time soon

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Woo woo, three virgin planets for humans to convert into landfills!

Liberty's Edge

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I will simply leave this for you:

Arthur C. Clarke said wrote:
There are two possibilities: we are alone in this universe, or we are not. Both are equally terrifying

Silver Crusade

Icyshadow wrote:
And sorry to be the bringer of bad news Mikaze, but the rich are going to take the hot alien ladies as well as the lands from the new planets before we can get to them,

I will fight literally everyone if that's what it takes to boldly go.


Mikaze wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
And sorry to be the bringer of bad news Mikaze, but the rich are going to take the hot alien ladies as well as the lands from the new planets before we can get to them,
I will fight literally everyone if that's what it takes to boldly go.

But would you fight a being of absolute Law and Good with five burning wings?

Silver Crusade

Alexander Augunas wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
And sorry to be the bringer of bad news Mikaze, but the rich are going to take the hot alien ladies as well as the lands from the new planets before we can get to them,
I will fight literally everyone if that's what it takes to boldly go.
But would you fight a being of absolute Law and Good with five burning wings?

That which stands in the way of hot hot interplanetary peace and understanding must be punched.

It's okay though. I'll forgive him eventually.

Silver Crusade

srsly though, NASA, hurry already

So...22 Light years....That's going to need one fast or big or powerful (Or all three categories) of ship to get there.

Dark Archive

or we can just take our time getting there...

Wait out the 0:40 intro. It's worth it.

I thought the problem with these dim stars was that their habitable zone was so close that you have problems with harmful radiation from the star.

The only life as we know it that could be on those planets would be under water.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
let's go. who's with me?

Will be safe and will you protect us?

Liberty's Edge

Only if you suck up to him.

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Commander Shepard III wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
let's go. who's with me?
Will be safe and will you protect us?

Let me put it to you this way:

when we're going to the giant obviously alien built megastructure on the planet that looks like the first level of Dante's hell, I won't say "no. We don't need those. This is a scientific expedition," when you start breaking out the chain guns.

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Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

Let me put it to you this way:

when we're going to the giant obviously alien built megastructure on the planet that looks like the first level of Dante's hell, I won't say "no. We don't need those. This is a scientific expedition," when you start breaking out the chain guns.

Aww maaan. We've only uncovered buildings full of unknown alien artefacts, but not one single living alien. And we've been here for, like, 20 minutes. This trip was such a waste!

Someone remind me again why aliens visiting earth is impossible when we've got inhabitable planets within a reasonable driving distance?

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
Someone remind me again why aliens visiting earth is impossible when we've got inhabitable planets within a reasonable driving distance?

Because this is reality and nothing cool ever happens here.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Someone remind me again why aliens visiting earth is impossible when we've got inhabitable planets within a reasonable driving distance?

Because 22 light years is only a "short distance" when you consider a galaxy is 100,000 light years across. When you realize that no one has yet disproven that faster than light speed is impossible, it's still a lllooonnngggg way away.


It is theoretically possible to fold or bend space time to allow for travel over great distances without the need to travel faster than light. The energy required and the tech to do it is way beyond us at this time.

Then again if you can negate mass by suppressing the Higgs Field you could get close to the speed of light.

The 8th Dwarf wrote:

It is theoretically possible to fold or bend space time to allow for travel over great distances without the need to travel faster than light. The energy required and the tech to do it is way beyond us at this time.

Then again if you can negate mass by suppressing the Higgs Field you could get close to the speed of light.

I'd be interested in any references. Last I read the amount of energy required to create a wormhole exceeded the amount of energy currently existing in the universe.


The Exchange

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
let's go. who's with me?

Lets point those Satellites and telescopes at Proxima Centauri until we know everything about that star system and its planetary bodies. Don't offer me worlds around 'other' stars that are further away. Show me a planet in Orbit around Proxima with near-earth conditions we can colonize...

In 2012, physicist Harold White and collaborators announced that modifying the geometry of exotic matter could reduce the mass–energy requirements for a macroscopic space ship from the equivalent of the planet Jupiter to that of the Voyager 1 spacecraft (~700 kg)[3] or less,[15] and stated their intent to perform small-scale experiments in constructing warp fields.[3] White proposed changing the shape of the warp bubble from a sphere to a doughnut shape.[16][17] Furthermore, if the intensity of the space warp can be oscillated over time, the energy required is reduced even more.[3] According to White, the idea could be tested in a lab by utilizing a modified Michelson-Morley interferometer. One of the legs of the interferometer would appear to be a slightly different length when the test devices were energised.[15]

The Exchange

The 8th Dwarf wrote:
In 2012, physicist Harold White and collaborators announced that modifying the geometry of exotic matter could reduce the mass–energy requirements for a macroscopic space ship from the equivalent of the planet Jupiter to that of the Voyager 1 spacecraft (~700 kg)[3] or less,[15] and stated their intent to perform small-scale experiments in constructing warp fields.[3] White proposed changing the shape of the warp bubble from a sphere to a doughnut shape.[16][17] Furthermore, if the intensity of the space warp can be oscillated over time, the energy required is reduced even more.[3] According to White, the idea could be tested in a lab by utilizing a modified Michelson-Morley interferometer. One of the legs of the interferometer would appear to be a slightly different length when the test devices were energised.[15]

Phutt! Smells like someone wants funding and will say any old crap. Voyager will take 76 thousand years to get to Proxima. We can test their engine en route...

Silver Crusade

Alexander Augunas wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
And sorry to be the bringer of bad news Mikaze, but the rich are going to take the hot alien ladies as well as the lands from the new planets before we can get to them,
I will fight literally everyone if that's what it takes to boldly go.
But would you fight a being of absolute Law and Good with five burning wings?

I read this as "wangs".

What? They're aliens.

Interesting. I wasn't aware of this. But it's aparently still hypothesis stage. I'll remain a skeptic until there is some experimental evidence (which I guess he's working on).


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It's good to know we'll have places to go once we use up Earth-that-was.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Mikaze wrote:
srsly though, NASA, hurry already

Hurry up and what? NASA can't break the laws of physics, and it can only use the science and engineering we have at the moment. Given that all of our science says that FTL isn't practical for the forseeable future, I'd ask again... Hurry up and what?

lucky7 wrote:
Only if you suck up to him.

Well, I'll be working the mess hall then.

Nevermind. I'm bleaked now because I like just found out that c+ isn't possible. I never knew that until this thread.

Silver Crusade

LazarX wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
srsly though, NASA, hurry already
Hurry up and what? NASA can't break the laws of physics, and it can only use the science and engineering we have at the moment. Given that all of our science says that FTL isn't practical for the forseeable future, I'd ask again... Hurry up and what?

Literalism destroys families dude.

I thought this Valley Girl told me to gag her with a spoon one time in 1982.
That's when I learned.

Barf out!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Mikaze I have to ask. If we do find sapient alien life what makes you think they would find humans attractive enough to have some of that hot hot interplanetary peace with?

They probably would probably want to be just friends and humans would be phased into the inter-species friend zone.

Silver Crusade

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The NPC wrote:

Mikaze I have to ask. If we do find sapient alien life what makes you think they would find humans attractive enough to have some of that hot hot interplanetary peace with?

They probably would probably want to be just friends and humans would be phased into the inter-species friend zone.




Certain humans of course.

Certain humans would be called late at night to talk about alien boyfriends who were so uncaring and cruel, and who they wished were more like "certain humans."

Then there's the Alphas; they get the sexy sexy peace.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Slaunyeh wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Someone remind me again why aliens visiting earth is impossible when we've got inhabitable planets within a reasonable driving distance?
Because this is reality and nothing cool ever happens here.

History is full of really cool stuff that was never going to happen.

I'm more looking forward to a transhuman future on Earth than space colonisation.

I'd much rather deal with the problems of having a robot body than the problems I already have with this organic one.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh yes, *everything*'s rainbows and kittens over on the artificial lifeforms side of the fence. I'm rusting in places you never even dreamed existed!

Not that anyone cares, of course.

Well, a robot body means 22 light years at .1 c (conservative estimate) or 200 years of travel in a bussard ramjet give or take isn't too much of a time waster; you just put your brain on hibernate and wake up to sexy sexy peace.

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Oh wow. I get to be forcibly shut down then shot through space only to be woken up in time for the inaugural Pan-Galactic Interspecies Ponking Festival. "Oh, Marvin, film this!" "Oh, Marvin, hold this device that vibrates at exactly the right frequency to make your insides rattle like a Vauxhall Cavalier going full pelt down a cobbled street!" "Oh, Marvin, is it true that you can dispense lube through a firehose?" Whoopee doopee doopee doo. I'm touched, purely because you bothered to consider how much I might hate something like that before making me do it. Thankyou. Really, thankyou. Thanks.

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