Horns of the Hunted! Answer the call!

PaizoCon General Discussion

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Who are my players? Let me know and we can start working on your characters!

Liberty's Edge


Looks like I'm slotted in to play Horns of the Hunted on Saturday afternoon. I'm excited to play this one!


Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games


We'll be using Neil Spicer's excellent pregens from Legendary Games' Conquering Heroes product as the sample characters, but once you pick your character you'll have the chance to level them up to suit the adventure.

Since you're first in to post, you get first dibs on who you wanna play!

Arkadyus Sakharov, human ranger

Davor Hestruk, half-orc cleric of the God of Battle

Faunlara "Faun" Daedys, elven treesinger druid, and her sapling treant companion, Ornmeil'lon

Hulgrim Underspool, gnome fey-blooded sorcerer

Pollyna Shuryon, sylph bandit rogue

Pyotr Maartis, human cavalier of the dragon, and his faithful steed, Schenko

Quinry Kimm, half-elven court bard

and last but not least, the enigmatic Radomir Lytkin, human abjurer

Who will YOU be on the hunt?

Liberty's Edge

I'll go with Davor Hestruk, half-orc cleric of the God of Battle.

Liberty's Edge

Hey Jason,

What level will we be leveling the characters to ? Or do they start off at level 1 ?


Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Marc Reynolds wrote:

Hey Jason,

What level will we be leveling the characters to ? Or do they start off at level 1 ?


6th level. The product contains suggestions for advancing up through 4th level. You can extrapolate from that or go your own way, purchasing your equipment using standard wealth by level.

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