Revenantdog |
I've been toying with the idea of reshaping and reediting my last homebrew into a sandbox campaign setting and making it available to everybody. I spent a lot of time creating this world and it occurs to me that there's a chance that other people may find it compelling and I want to put it out there for a little feedback.
The concept at first was simply "We want to play a game of thrones game but we wanted to keep playing Pathfinder". That was the jumping off point and over the last few years I've developed a very complex and I'd like to think interesting lore concerning this world and its denizens. I started by coming up with a few noble houses and regions and over time they evolved and changed in exciting ways.
My idea is I'm going to start with posting some of the general information concerning the setting and world. I'll need to make an updated map and a more in-depth map of each region. I had decided that rather than every noble I created being a variant on the Aristocrat class that nearly every highborne NPC (which was most of them) would have levels of a PC class. This resulted in an enourmous file, filled with names and notes. It seemed like a shame to let all that work sit around on my computer. So I'll be retweaking some of the lore, the stats, given circumstances and hooks into something digestible and fun.
I will start releasing updates on each of the main families, full stat blocks for every member, information on their lands, their bannermen and their relations with the other nobles of Bygaria.
Bygaria is a Kingdom ruled by an elderly king who has left the kingdom weakened after spreading resources too thin during recent war. The other high nobles have all begun vying for more power through allegiance and secret dealings.
Everything I've written is still very much open to change, I'm certain there are glaring inconsistencies out there, but I'm wondering if this is up anyone's ally?
I'm currently just using a simple google blog for this project.
Come check it out.