Announcing the venture-lieutenant of Bornholm, Denmark

Pathfinder Society


It's a pleasure to announce a new venture-lieutinant for the island of Bornholm. The island i small and very isolated (see this image - yellow is Denmark, red is Bornholm), so I can't support them myself.
Luckily Mike Ravn Bolin started gamemastering and has now built a community of happy and active players. He has started tutoring his players and the next generation og gamemasters are on their way.

I became aware of his activity almost half a year ago, but because of distance, neither me nor Jacob and Júlíus has had the opportununity to meet him before now. He hauled a car full of players on an 8 hour trip to our yearly con on Zealand.
It was a pleasure gamemastering for and playing with Mike, so it was an easy decision to ask him to join our ranks.

Please welcome him and visit him on the lovely vacation island of Bornholm.

Sovereign Court 2/5

Hi Mike og tak for sidst!

I had the very fortunate pleasure of meeting Mike last weekend (and almost aging him to death) at Viking Lodge Summer Games, Copenhagen's annual PFS-only Con.

He's a fun player (though there's no love lost between my NPCs and his Gunslinger) and a great GM. He will be a valuable asset to the PFS scene in Denmark.

Welcome to the team!

Grand Lodge

Its Awesome, Welcome Mike, may you make Bornholm into a zombie-like nation of PFS players, and if not that, then at least keep up the good work you been doing promoting untill now.

THUMBS UP for Mike.

1/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Hello there, fellow Venture-Lt. Good to have you on board, sir.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber


And I see Greenland is still open for a VO... Still pushing for those orders.. ;).

Sovereign Court 2/5

Dragnmoon wrote:


And I see Greenland is still open for a VO... Still pushing for those orders.. ;).

My gaming group is 4/6 Greenlandic, I could push for that.

Grand Lodge


Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Welcome to the community.
I never really paid attention to Bornholm on the maps and assumed it was either a part of Sweden or Germany.

A person learns something new every day.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have confidence that you will do a great job Mike. Congratulations and thank you for taking on this responsibility :)

Sovereign Court 1/5

Hi Guys. and thank you for all of your support n junk. :P im happy about being the newest Venture Officer, and ill revoloutionice society play on bornholm :P
((i hope))

Yours Truely ~Mike Ravn Bolin


Mike Ravn Bolin wrote:
ill revoloutionice society play on bornholm :P

When Bornholm is done, you can just take the ferry and start working on Sweden. Aren't you the closest one now?

Congralations Mike, we are happy for you here on Bornholm :-) , Btw Copenhagen is closer at Sweden than Bornholm. Both in distand and transport time

Sovereign Court 2/5

Emil Nielsen wrote:
Congralations Mike, we are happy for you here on Bornholm :-) , Btw Copenhagen is closer at Sweden than Bornholm. Both in distand and transport time

Does that mean I should do it?

Lantern Lodge 2/5



Congratulations Mike :)

Lantern Lodge 4/5

Welcome friend, welcome!

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