HL makes Sorc become "Unwitting Bard"? Unwitting Ally question from Hero Lab

Product Discussion

I am using Hero Lab, and my Sorc has had "Unwitting Ally" as a spell, but I didn't question it until just now. Why do I have this? This is a "Bard 0" spell, and I have never touched the Bard class, no levels, but Hero Lab insists I have this spell. It is 'grey' and not 'green', and I would never have used the spell except Hero Lab put it in there. Since I have no Bard levels, is this a bug I need to report, and I should cross out the spell on my spell list?

I do note it shows "DC 0 will negates", and I can only use it once a day. I also note I have "Voice of the Sibyl" feat, Shadow Diplomat and high diplomacy skill, so I do not know if any of that triggered "Unwitting Ally". In RP, I had the female Sorc character chat the spell and blow a kiss to distract a humanoid opponent, and for RP it seemed to fit rather well so I didn't think of it at the time.

Thank you for guiding me through treacherous water. I think I'm swimming in someone else's pool. :(

Dark Archive

It is a problem with your hero lab, and should probably be discussed over on their forum.

I just made a Sorcerer with my hero lab and had no issues.

Bug Report sent. On the "Spells" tab, I have () in place of "Sor" or "Sa", "Ex" or other tag so I know why I have Unwitting Ally. It is also greyed on that tab along with "Lvl 0 spells used" with a DC 0. So looking at this thing closely, it really appears to be a bug. I just hope I don't have to re-enter the character from scratch to get rid of it. :(

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