Multiple swift actions during a turn...

Homebrew and House Rules

We're planning on adapting our combat rounds to something similar to 4th Ed., where move actions are exchangable for swift actions and standard actions are exchangable for either move or swift... ultimate resulting in the following options for a combat round:
1 full round action
1 full attack action, 1 swift action
1 standard action, 1 move action, 1 swift action
1 standard action, 1 swift action, 1 swift action
1 move action, 1 move action, 1 swift action
1 move action, 1 swift action, 1 swift action
1 swift action, 1 swift action, 1 swift action

To accomodate this change, one of the main things we've done is rule that Quicken Spell allows you to cast a full round action spell as a standard action and a standard action spell as a move action.

What other significant pitfalls can you imagine might come up?

The biggest Pitfall from my perspective would be: Several of the Groups I GM for would be cross eyed keeping up with 'What Actions Do I Have Now' syndrome.

If your players and you can keep the book keeping aspect of it moving smoothly during the game, I see nothing wrong with it. Kind of a cool idea.

Good luck with it and let us know how it goes.

Have Fun Out There!!

~ W ~

Why don't just leave quicken spell as it is with the old 3.5 cap "only 1 quickned per round"? sound smoother than nerfing a feat that requires 4 spell level adjustment. Other than that, swift action tend to not stack with themselves so shouldn't be a problem.

One issue i could see is spellcasters casting 3 spells in a given turn, though how much of a problem, i am not sure. I will say its a significant power boost for casters. Maybe a caveat that only one quickened spell per round?

Sovereign Court

I was thinking, wouldn't it be interesting to have a half-way version of Quicken Spell? One that turns Standard into Move, and "1 Round" into Standard?

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