Banquet Alternative Activities

PaizoCon General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

Starfinder Superscriber

I registered for PaizoCon late enough that I did not get a banquet ticket. I'm guessing there will be others-- and, indeed, probably some people who just chose not to go to the banquet.

Are there going to be other things scheduled at that time? I'm guessing no, as I'm guessing all the Paizo staff will be at the banquet. So, "open gaming" is probably going to be where many of us will end up.

Has anybody tried to organize anything in the past, or have things just sort of self-organized?

(I case you can't tell, I've not been to a PazioCon before.)

Dark Archive

This is what I'm putting together....

We'll definitely be gaming during that time...though I'm not sure what we'll be playing just yet. Check out whatever open gaming spaces are available. There are lots of folks without banquet tickets.

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