Multiple poisons on one weapon

Rules Questions

Could a character coat a weapon in multiple poisons and still have them be effective?

Would there be one save against all the poisons at once or multiple saves, one for each poison?
Would Neutralise Poison clear all of them or just one of them?

Trying to decide if the next major villain my PCs will face will use poisons this way.

One weapon, one poison. Are you sure you want your players to do the same thing? ;)

Also keep in mind that it's a standard action to apply poison (unless...)!

Given how expensive poison is, I really don't mind if they do. Besides, poisons don't always work.

Ah well. Thanks for the reply. :)

There's an alchemists or rogue ability that allows multiple poisons...or it may be that I'm thinking of the one that let's it work more than just once

Ill look into when I get home :)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The advanced rogue talent Deadly Cocktail is probably the only RAW method. Requires 10 levels of rogue (or a class feature that allows you to take advanced rogue talents).

Deadly Cocktail (Ex): A rogue with this talent can apply two doses of poison to a weapon at once. These can be separate poisons, in which case they both affect the target individually, or two doses of the same toxin, in which case the poisons' frequency is extended by 50% and the save DC increases by +2. This talent is an exception to the rule that injury poisons can only be delivered one dose at a time.

Thanks dragonchess...thought I was correct in my assumption but haven't been home to see for myself :)

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