partyrico |
I have a character concept that is a Dwarven Monk 6/Ninja 2 with the archetypes Sensei, Drunken Master and Qinggong Monk. He is mainly a support type, with most everything into wisdom (and into con for the fast drinker feat), and both strength dumped. In addition he has fast drinker feat and a ring of ki mastery.
The only ninja trick grabbed from the dip into Ninja is the forgotten trick, thus allowing one point of drunken ki to be spent for a free combat feat, ninja trick, or rogue trick, which can be refiled as a swift action through fast drinker.
My question comes from the 6th level Sensei ability Mystic Wisdom which allows ki points to be spent and then activate ki abilities for nearby allies. I am correct that RAW, he can grant allies any of the options available from forgotten trick? Also would the feat and ability requirements be pulled from the monk's list since the Mystic Wisdom ability states that, "to have that ability affect one ally within 30 feet rather than the sensei himself"?

Void Dragon |

The first thing I would ask is that do any of the three archetypes replace a monk ability twice? If so then he couldn't have the overlapping archetypes. For the Forgotten Trick a ninja can only learn another ninja trick not a rouge talent or master trick. I think that you would be able to give out free combat feats (or ninja trick), but they would only last 2 rounds as that's how many ninja levels you have. Also as to effectiveness in combat unless you want to give up your own ki points that aren't temporary you would have to drink 2 times before combat, but within an hour or spend 2 swift actions to get the 2 temporary ki points necessary for Forgotten Trick.

ExposedWires |

I would rule that the ability pulls from the list of feats and tricks the monk meets the requirements for. Not just because it makes the most mechanical sense but because it also makes the most story sense. How can the sensei teach you something he can't learn?
It looks like it could be easily exploited, so let me know what kind of hijinks you get into.

partyrico |
The archetypes don't overlap, drunken master and sensei don't use any of each other and the qinggong can be used with any archetype.
The ring of ki mastery allows 2 cost ki abilities to be spend for one, so you could use it once per turn, and they last for an hour, so in some circumstances it would be feasible to use. In addition, while fast drinker lets you drink as a swift action, you can still do it as a standard action if you want to get 2 ki in the same turn, move, then grant 2 feats or ninja tricks
The forgotten trick ability allows the sensei to effectively learn something by channeling the knowledge of past ancestors, so I would think of it as channeling the knowledge of past ancestors into others, due to a high degree of meditation and adaptability.
Fluff wise, I wanted this character to follow Cayden Cailean and preach through the power of alcohol, my DM ruled that drunken masters have to be chaotic rather than lawful due to lawful not making sense so it fits nicely.