Can BBB Dhampir Boon Be Traded and / or Given Away?

Pathfinder Society


Points in Favor:
Here are my thoughts:
  • It's a race boon like any other.
  • It's earned for running at a specific event, just like con boons.
  • It's come up numerous times in the boon trading thread in which both Mike & Mark have posted; neither has ever noted that the dhampir is ineligible for trading.
  • You can apply it to any character in your stable, just like a boon.
  • It's not readily available (like a Chronicle); you have to get it by special appointment (like a Boon).
  • The title at the top is "Beginner Box Bash GM Boon" which implies it's meant to be treated like other event boons.

Points Against:
These counterarguments are mostly from Drogon in this thread
  • The instructions refer to it as a Chronicle.
  • It is specifically a "DM Boon."
  • It is rewarded for running a specific set of games, like a chronicle, rather than at a specific event, like a con boon.

So, is there an official answer?

Slight side question here, Is it still available?
I thought I remembered it being a limited time availability.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

If a GM has one they aren't going to use, and want to give it away, then sure. The free raise dead is not allowed to be given away.


Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Awesome, Thanks Mike


Michael Brock wrote:
If a GM has one they aren't going to use, and want to give it away, then sure. The free raise dead is not allowed to be given away.

Do you mean the separate Raise Dead player boon can't be given away, or do you mean one should cross the free Raise Dead off a Dhampir boon before giving it away? (I'm good either way, just want to confirm.)

Edit: Although I guess if the latter is true the former is also true ... but the former doesn't necessarily indicate the latter. I think. You know what I mean.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

The only boon that can be given away is the dhampir. The Free Raise Dead may not be given away period, regardless if the top says player or GM. If a GM wants to give the Dhampir boon away, cross off the free raise dead. Also, the Free Raise Dead may not be used, and then the dhampir boon be given to another person.


Seems reasonable to me.

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