Bobo D |
So, If I have a ratfolk plauge bringer alchemist, and he gets a 4,000 GP iron cobra, and then puts the plauge vial in it, what happens when the snake bites someone. Is it sickened for 1 round/level, or nauseated for 1 hour? The nauseated would be really powerful, but it makes some sense based on the fact that the cobra can be used to "drink" potions.
Edit: just realized it could work with your regular mutagen

Avianfoo |

I assume you intend to insert the plague vial into the iron cobra and have the cobra attack spreading the disease as a poison.
Unfortunately, while a awesome idea, it just won't work because:
A plague vial that is not in a plague bringer's possession becomes inert until a plague bringer picks it up again.
Unless you count the iron cobra as a weapon...which might be a bit of a stretch but certainly doable. But then the disease/poison would be gone after one attack... which is not ideal.
Either way it will deal the sickening effect and not the nauseating effect.