Sasayaki |
Hey all,
For Pathfinder Society play, I was looking at creating a Diabolist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/c-d/diabolist ). I'm having a little trouble with the imp companion's statistics.
Some questions:
- Is the imp an animal companion for the purposes of feats, classes, alternate racial abilities such as a human's Eye for Talent, etc?
- Is the imp actually an outsider? The "Share Spells" section would imply that it is ("...normally affect creatures of the imp's type (outsider)"), but am I missing something?
- Does the imp companion have the damage reductions and fast healing of a normal imp?
- Does the imp have full BAB progression, due to its outsider nature, or partial BAB because of the animal companion table?
- Does the imp have the weapon proficiencies of an outsider?
Herolab, my usual go-to source, insists that it does have full BAB, does have the weapon proficiencies, but does not have the damage reduction and fast healing. Except for the BAB part, this seems to be legit.