Gestalt Carrion Crown

Game Master bigrig107

Roll20 link
Harrowstone first floor map
Shadowbrook Map

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Welcome, all, to Harrowstone!

This was a private game, but now we’re looking for a third to join our other two heroic party members in cleansing Harrowstone Prison of its past problems.

Looking specifically for a divine caster of some sort, that can handle healing and status effects. The party has mostly cleared the first level of the prison, and will likely be heading back to rest soon in order to find their third party member awaiting them before continuing their dive into the past of Harrowstone. The gameplay thread is there, should probably take a look at some of the bigger moments in the story so far.

Character build:
- 25 point buy
- 'normal' race options (including aasimar and tiefling)
- gestalt, level 2
- background skills
- two traits, one must be a campaign one from the Carrion Crown campaign guide.
- elephant in the room feat tax rules are in effect
- need a reason to be in Ravengro, as well as how you knew the Professor. You’ve missed his funeral already, so that’s unfortunately not an option anymore.

Any questions, just ask!

Can you multiclass on one side?

And, is a Herald Caller of Pharasma (Healing/Restoration domain) OK?

Cleric 2 (Herald Caller) | uRogue 1/Wizard 1... I'm gonna tinker with the idea as I just like it.

*I'd drop Trapfinding, as that's covered. No stepping on toes.

Absolutely! You can multiclass as you feel fit.

Also, I forgot to include wealth. As they just hit level 2 and aren’t truly full wealth yet, just use max for the highest of your classes. Can just split Andrei’s loot he has picked up so far among the group easily enough.

As far as Herald Caller, I don’t have an issue with it. The two members will have a say in the final selection, though.

One of the current players checking in! Petyr is a mostly-human tiefling Empiricist Investigator / Lore Warden Fighter. He was a student of the late Professor Lorrimor, trying to research alchemical methods of interfering with the spontaneous creation of the undead. He is also the great nephew of the novelist Ailson Kindler, trying to follow in her footsteps. He's socially competent (if a bit awkward), highly knowledgeable (and a bit full of himself), and able to get into places that he shouldn't be (my little Swiss army knife). In combat, he's going to specialize in highly agile rapier-focused combat. He and the other remaining member of the party (a duettist bard / weapon master fighter) recently learned the feat Soulblade, allowing us to attack haunts without native access to channeled energy. But in a haunted prison, we're still struggling against ghosts and other incorporeal creatures. I am planning to pick up ghostslayer next level to remedy that, along with weapon versatility ASAP to handle DR/bludgeoning and DR/slashing. Plans beyond that are vague and highly-dependent on how the story continues to unfold.

We had initially planned the party to all be Pharasmins and recently-inducted members into the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye, but that has slowly diminished over time. (Our original party included a paladin/bard and a warpriest/ranger.) As neither current party member is inherently tied to the Lady of Graves for class abilities (unless I take a dip into Living Grimoire inquisitor or Reliquarian occultist), we could be a more mixed-faith party.

The biggest thing I'm looking for in a new PC (as a fellow player) is someone who can help out with haunts, incorporeal creatures, and other such tricky things that will make life hard for us level 2 neophytes. Healing is a big plus, too. Both Petyr and Park have cure light wounds (as an extract and spell known respectively), but our uses per day are very limited. Divine preferred, but certainly not required.

What are the current two members?

Ouachitonian wrote:
What are the current two members?

Male Tiefling Fighter (Lore Warden) 2 gestalt Investigator (Empiricst) 2

Male Tiefling Fighter (Weapon Master) 2 gestalt Bard (Duettist) 2

Petyr is one current party member and I'm the other, fighter(weapon master)/bard(duetist). We're both Tieflings that pass for human and have not revealed that to each other yet. Petyr was a serious student while at university. I was the dilettante until I found my calling for music.
As stated we have minor healing but need some help against the haunts, incorporeal undead, and will probably need help with status issues when we face stronger undead in the future.

So to fit in we need to be a Tiefling Fighter/[Healer]? lol

I'm thinking maybe a classic Oradin build. Maybe a Gnome.

Scarab Sages

OOH! I'm putting together a Human Pharasman Cleric - (probable) Slayer!

A "serious student" who regularly skipped classes that he didn't think were important and got in long arguments with his professors over minutiae. He was that guy. (I'm trying to play him as having grown from being insufferable, but a bit of extant prickliness is to be expected.)

But yeah, we were all tieflings for a while. When the Town Hall caught on fire and we came out with burnt clothes but nothing more than superficial burns (from the rare 6 on a 1d6), we all looked at each other and did the Fry squinting eyes. We're trying to keep on the down low since everyone in town already assumed that we were up to no good when we rolled in.

I'm putting together a tiefling cleric // fighter that I suspect will fit in with your group pretty well. :)

I'm currently drafting up a Cleric//Wizard and a Cleric//Fighter for this and I'm kind of torn between two ideas ruminating in my head here...

Three questions:

1. How quickly are you hoping to recruit a third party member?
2. What campaign traits have the other two party members taken?
3. What's your ruling on source books, which ones will count as valid and such?

Sorry if some of these questions are answered somewhere else.

Here's my submission: Sister Zephra, a tiefling militant cleric of Pharasma who isn't very bright, but has a dagger to grind against the Whispering Way. She's got the Pass for Human trait just like everyone else, so she might not even be aware that she has an outsider heritage until someone brings it to her attention. In her background, I have written that she knows Professor Lorrimor, but she was held up and missed the funeral, so she could have just been hanging out in the town trying to figure out how her mentor died when she meets the party.

Violant wrote:

I'm currently drafting up a Cleric//Wizard and a Cleric//Fighter for this and I'm kind of torn between two ideas ruminating in my head here...

Three questions:

1. How quickly are you hoping to recruit a third party member?
2. What campaign traits have the other two party members taken?
3. What's your ruling on source books, which ones will count as valid and such?

Sorry if some of these questions are answered somewhere else.

1. Relatively quickly compared to most other recruitments, I’ll admit. The party is currently in the midst of an info dump from a ghost in the prison, and then they’ll return back to get some rest before continuing. Ideally I’ll have my new party member by Monday or Tuesday of next week.

2. Petyr was a teachers’ pet, and Park took chance savior. You can see their full build in the profiles here, for full details on all of that info.

3. All official Paizo books are allowed, but obviously I retain my right to ban/alter anything if it becomes excessively gamebreaking. Haven’t had to do that so far, but never say never I suppose.

For instance, I was originally going to play a gunslinger/inquisitor, but we vetoed the gunslinger and I reshuffled my build plan to the current stabby guy.

A note for the those applying with tieflings: we did start idly discussing a few of months ago whether there might be evil outsiders appearing as the AP continues and whether that would offer opportunities to explore the heritage. So if you want to leave those breadcrumbs in your backstory, we're open ^_^

Scarab Sages

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I've migrated from my original idea and will be submitting an Aasimar Sarenite Sacred Servant Paladin / Life Oracle, an old character I'm reviving with some changes. I know it's practically a template, but Sacred Servant will blunt the Paladin smiting by 50% in favor of more versatility.

Besides, I can't get "two Tieflings and an Aasimar walk into a bar, (crypt, etc.)" out of my head.

Agh, I was about ready to post my character, but the stupid backtrack limit popped up. I'll be rewriting the backstory and appearance sections in Notepad and then post them here.

why does that thing even exist

It seems everyone is going with Clerics and Tieflings, myself included. I saw Sun and Travel recommended as preferred options for Clerics, and the god that immediately popped into my mind was lesser-known and from a later AP, so I just wanted to make sure that was okay before proceeding.

Xotikeidēs Pharimias , also known as just "Xoti" since Xotikeides is a bit long.

I'll probably edit her backstory and appearance a bit later, seeing as those are semi-rushed near the end due to Paizo boards being.... "backtrack limit exceeded", eugh.

Went with the Cleric//Wizard idea, so dealing with incorporeal undead becomes easier. Sun domain for the win.

You have my deepest sympathies, Violant :-/

I have some ideas:

Bloodrager/Fractured mind

Does: Hit hard, access to spiritualist spells which feature most types of condition removal, can cast them in battle eventually using mad magic.

Could summon the phantom but probably wont.

Condition removal and healing, actually a deceptivle strong combo with the access to rage cycling via lame curse.

Both can face pretty well, the fractured mind would have more out of combat utility.

Violant wrote:
Agh, I was about ready to post my character, but the stupid backtrack limit popped up.

I used to have a special Chrome Extension that would save what I typed in form fields, so that when that happened I could easily recover. But alas, then the extension stopped being supported and disappeared. Fortunately, I have since discovered that Firefox saves text in fields by default-- you just hit Back from the error message and it's all still there. Sometimes I have to switch between Chrome and Firefox since some pages elsewhere aren't supported by Firefox, but for the most part it's been a nice quality-of-life change as far as the Paizo boards go.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I need to switch to firefox and linux one of these days, my old laptop died on me a year or so ago and I haven't switched from edge and w10 yet. Like an utter fool.

Building a Bloodrager Oracle of flames

Specific abilities:
--Can definitly join the frontlines, hits like a truck
--Will have some secondary face skills, specifically in terms of bluffing
--Flame oracles get condition removal and pretty good blasting because I get stuff like, burning hands, fireball, etc. so in combat, I should be able to always contribute
--Probably dual cursed Lame and possessed for extra utility with them rerolls
--Reasonably quick on the battlefield
--Can cast while raging due to mad magic feat.

--Has been contacted by the professor, whom she was friendly with to figure out what her power source and bloodline is, professor mentioned an information broker who wanted information on the whispering way in exchange, came to late to save the prof or to be at the funeral
--Is relatively chaotic, a "professional violence provider" in battle, fairly easygoing outside of it.
--I am thinking Abyssal as the bloodline on the bloodrager side, to go with the all thiefling theme.

I had an idea for a similar concept to some others expressed here - an chirurgeon/bard, a buffing/healing character in combat who can hold his own in social situations (and whose bombs deal positive energy damage to the undead, thanks to the healing bomb discovery). I'll work more on the crunch and backstory, but his campaign trait will be Teacher's Pet - he's a former student of Lorrimor's (from Sincomakti, rather than Lepidstadt, but why break up the current party makeup of tieflings in academia?) who was waylaid on his way to Professor Lorrimor's funeral.

I'll throw my hat in the ring with UU here.

She is a human Cleric (Varisian Pilgrim) / Zen Archer Monk.

With the front-line well filled out by the crew already, I thought some ranged nastiness would be good. I have another version of UU that changes out her bow for Glaive flurrying fun at reach-range. That build requires a couple more feats (i.e. levels) to make it shine brightly, but it gets nasty. It also helps if you are open to tweaking the Weapon Adept archetype to work with the uMonk but that isn't a necessity.

Either build is a kick to play so IF you like UU, I'm happy to let the group decide on Glaive vs Bow.

FYI, I'm still spending her cash and tweaking her backstory. If you've any questions, let me know.

Thanks for considering her.

Mightypions wip submission here:

--wont be dual cursed, because it gives up most of the fire spells flame oracles get at low levels.

--Opted for rage shaper archetype on the bloodrager side, will be pretty useful at level 4/5

--Curse is covetous rather then lame, because its much funnier to roleplay
Has a very stylish set of black silk robes, which she also uses to gain the extremely fashionable trait.

--Are drawbacks allowed? If yes I would like to take attached, to her fabulous dress, as a drawback.

--She is a natural attacker.

--A dip into swashbuckler on the bloodrager side is possible, claws do count as light weapons after all.

@Violant: I'm not the GM, but why Iblydos and why Pharimia? Those are both quite far afield from Ustalav, so the connection isn't quite as obvious to me, especially when Desna, Iomedae, and Pharasma are specifically called out.

Petyr Kindler wrote:
@Violant: I'm not the GM, but why Iblydos and why Pharimia? Those are both quite far afield from Ustalav, so the connection isn't quite as obvious to me, especially when Desna, Iomedae, and Pharasma are specifically called out.

Well, the guide specifically said they could be from anywhere due the professor's travel. I chose Pharimia because my mind immediately went there when thinking of Sun/Travel deities, and Iblydos because I figured I'd need a reaon for Xoti to be late to the funeral.

I did make sure she had a reason to connect to Ustalav, that being Leipstadt. I tend to also like the lesser known areas and gods of Golarion, as well, and figured that now would be a decent chance to do soI left it up to a coin toss whether to go for the Pharimia cleric / wizard or the more standard idea of a Pharasmin cleric / fighter. Wiz won.

There's still a little work to be done in converting the BAP parts of the character profile and gear isn't quite sorted yet, but here's Parvin: Aasimar (Azata-blooded) Paladin (Sacred Servant) Sarenrae 1 / Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 1 (dip) / Oracle (Life Mystery) 2.

Pending a GM answer concerning taking drawback, Lucille is ready for your consideration!

I believe UU is complete. Thanks for considering her!

Parvin should be ready to go now. I worked on building as much versatility in as possible. Highlights:

1. Parvin will be a very strong positive energy channeler with quite a few uses per day. Offensive use of channeling will have higher DCs, so undead should get dusted effectively more often. Aasimar also get access to some neat channeling feats that offer some battlefield control.

2. Parvin's an Oradin + the entire Oracle package. Great for healing, condition removal, haunts, incorporeal, and so on. She can stay on her feet while keeping everyone else on their feet.

3. While the Life Mystery is a bit niche itself, Parvin is Dual-Cursed so she can be casting offensively as well with very good chances of making debuffs and curses stick.

4. Dervish Dance gives Parvin Dex to attack and damage right out of the gate for effective melee combat. Between Elephant in the Room, and already having her basic melee style online, she should have sufficient feats to specialize as well, an intimidation build would work very well.

5. Parvin's Paladin archetype will give her the ability to use the Planar Ally line of spells once per week. That's not often, but it's free of cost, and really clutch when things are looking bad.

Lucretia de Artois wrote:
Pending a GM answer concerning taking drawback, Lucille is ready for your consideration!

Looking at the beginning of the Discussion thread, it seems like you can take a 3rd trait for a drawback BUT the GM has to approve the drawback.

I decided to give Zephra the Family Ties drawback, to represent her relationship with her half-sister Kendra Lorrimor. Since that trait automatically turns into the Doubt drawback as soon as it isn't applicable any more, I hope that's acceptable!

GM of the Crown wrote:

Welcome, all, to Harrowstone!

This was a private game, but now we’re looking for a third to join our other two heroic party members in cleansing Harrowstone Prison of its past problems.

Looking specifically for a divine caster of some sort, that can handle healing and status effects. The party has mostly cleared the first level of the prison, and will likely be heading back to rest soon in order to find their third party member awaiting them before continuing their dive into the past of Harrowstone. The gameplay thread is there, should probably take a look at some of the bigger moments in the story so far.

Character build:
- 25 point buy
- 'normal' race options (including aasimar and tiefling)
- gestalt, level 2
- background skills
- two traits, one must be a campaign one from the Carrion Crown campaign guide.
- elephant in the room feat tax rules are in effect
- need a reason to be in Ravengro, as well as how you knew the Professor. You’ve missed his funeral already, so that’s unfortunately not an option anymore.

Any questions, just ask!

How do i join or is it to late

Bigfolks wrote:
GM of the Crown wrote:

Welcome, all, to Harrowstone!

This was a private game, but now we’re looking for a third to join our other two heroic party members in cleansing Harrowstone Prison of its past problems.

Looking specifically for a divine caster of some sort, that can handle healing and status effects. The party has mostly cleared the first level of the prison, and will likely be heading back to rest soon in order to find their third party member awaiting them before continuing their dive into the past of Harrowstone. The gameplay thread is there, should probably take a look at some of the bigger moments in the story so far.

Character build:
- 25 point buy
- 'normal' race options (including aasimar and tiefling)
- gestalt, level 2
- background skills
- two traits, one must be a campaign one from the Carrion Crown campaign guide.
- elephant in the room feat tax rules are in effect
- need a reason to be in Ravengro, as well as how you knew the Professor. You’ve missed his funeral already, so that’s unfortunately not an option anymore.

Any questions, just ask!

How do i join or is it to late

I believe you just create an alias with all the details and link it here, unless we're all horribly mistaken or something!

You don't even have to create an alias yet. You can post a character sheet and a basic backstory.

Petyr Kindler wrote:
You don't even have to create an alias yet. You can post a character sheet and a basic backstory.

So just make a character a backstory and post it ....and that's all to ger starred....can do give me a sec

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Bigfolks wrote:
How do i join or is it to late.

Hey Bigfolks, you aren't too late to apply for this game. I responded to a similar post from you in another thread and provided a brief explanation of the recruitment process as well. Every recruitment is a little different but there are some 'best practices' that will serve you well when throwing in an application to any game - like this one. :) I covered some of them in the other thread. Good luck!

Yep, drawbacks are allowed. I only said I had to ‘approve’ the flaws because I wanted to make sure they weren’t just taken for the extra trait and instead play a part in the character’s personality.

Here's Mokmurian's submission - Doctor Tirath Zhivago, an alchemist/bard gestalt who should be able to fulfill the requested "healing/status effects" niche. I'm fairly certain about the statistics (though, as this is my first time creating a gestalt character, I would appreciate feedback if I have indeed erred), but I was hoping to tweak and expand upon backstory/personality and the like over the next few days, though what's in there now should be enough to go on.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Udaya Udas wrote:
Bigfolks wrote:
How do i join or is it to late.
Hey Bigfolks, you aren't too late to apply for this game. I responded to a similar post from you in another thread and provided a brief explanation of the recruitment process as well. Every recruitment is a little different but there are some 'best practices' that will serve you well when throwing in an application to any game - like this one. :) I covered some of them in the other thread. Good luck!

Hi Bigfolks and welcome to the Paizo boards!

Everything Udaya told you in the post on applying to games is excellent advice that should get you started. I want to add one more thing that might help in making characters to use in games here in case it might help.

Characters can be presented in a couple of different ways. Some people prefer to apply for games by posting character builds, backgrounds, and so forth in a spoiler in the recruitment thread. If they're selected they will then create a more permanent character by starting a new alias for the character, like I've done for Parvin here, or you've done as Bigfolks so you can post. Posting a character's information in spoilers for recruitment saves you from having to create a new alias before you know whether or not you will be selected for the game. Aliases can't be deleted (as far as I know) once they're created.

I prefer just going ahead and applying with a new (or in this case reused) alias. I put all the character information in by creating a profile. If you look at Parvin's profile you'll see what that looks like if it's added directly. If you prefer, you can instead just put in the most basic stuff and add a link to a character sheet you prefer to use. Some players like the sheet at Mythweavers for doing it this way.

If you want to add everything directly into the profile like I did with Parvin, it saves a lot of time to borrow a template from another created character rather than building one from scratch. You can look around at some characters and see what you like. Copy-paste the one you want to use into the profile, and remove the character specific stuff to replace with your own. Feel free to take the format I'm using if you feel a little weird about grabbing a template from just anyone. Way back when, I stole what I'm using from someone else in exactly the same way. :)

BTW: The GM is asking for a character backstory yes, but also character build as well. You'll want to at least have basics like classes, ability scores, feats, traits, and skills shown.

Parvin Ghazalah wrote:
Udaya Udas wrote:
Bigfolks wrote:
How do i join or is it to late.
Hey Bigfolks, you aren't too late to apply for this game. I responded to a similar post from you in another thread and provided a brief explanation of the recruitment process as well. Every recruitment is a little different but there are some 'best practices' that will serve you well when throwing in an application to any game - like this one. :) I covered some of them in the other thread. Good luck!

Hi Bigfolks and welcome to the Paizo boards!

Everything Udaya told you in the post on applying to games is excelelnt advice that should get you started. I want to add one more thing that might help in making characters to use in games here in case it might help.

Characters can be presented in a couple of different ways. Some people prefer to apply for games by posting character builds, backgrounds, and so forth in a spoiler in the recruitment thread. If they're selected they will then create a more permanent character by starting a new alias for the character, like I've done for Parvin here, or you've done as Bigfolks so you can post. Posting a character's information in spoilers for recruitment saves you from having to create a new alias before you know whether or not you will be selected for the game. Aliases can't be deleted (as far as I know) o they're created.

I prefer just going ahead and applying with a new (or in this case reused) alias. I put all the character information in by creating a profile. If you look at Parvin's profile you'll see what that looks like if it's added directly. If you prefer, you can instead just put in the most basic stuff and add a link to a character sheet you prefer to use. Some players like the sheet at Mythweavers for doing it this way.

If you want to add everything directly into the profile like I did with Parvin, it saves a lot of time to borrow a template from another created character...

This is my first time trying to play on a patio I'm new to the process...and appreciate the patience....but I'm confused do I make a character to try and join or am I to late for this game....

Yes, you can still apply and should build a character. The GM has not posted a 'close' date but did mention that they'd probably be making a decision early next week.

The important thing is to have you character build fit these parameters:

The GM wrote:

Character build:

- 25 point buy
- 'normal' race options (including aasimar and tiefling)
- gestalt, level 2
- background skills
- two traits, one must be a campaign one from the Carrion Crown campaign guide.
- elephant in the room feat tax rules are in effect
- need a reason to be in Ravengro, as well as how you knew the Professor. You’ve missed his funeral already, so that’s unfortunately not an option anymore.

Looking specifically for a divine caster of some sort, that can handle healing and status effects. The party has mostly cleared the first level of the prison, and will likely be heading back to rest soon in order to find their third party member awaiting them before continuing their dive into the past of Harrowstone. The gameplay thread is there, should probably take a look at some of the bigger moments in the story so far.

Udaya Udas wrote:

Yes, you can still apply and should build a character. The GM has not posted a 'close' date but did mention that they'd probably be making a decision early next week.

The important thing is to have you character build fit these parameters:

The GM wrote:

Character build:

- 25 point buy
- 'normal' race options (including aasimar and tiefling)
- gestalt, level 2
- background skills
- two traits, one must be a campaign one from the Carrion Crown campaign guide.
- elephant in the room feat tax rules are in effect
- need a reason to be in Ravengro, as well as how you knew the Professor. You’ve missed his funeral already, so that’s unfortunately not an option anymore.

Looking specifically for a divine caster of some sort, that can handle healing and status effects. The party has mostly cleared the first level of the prison, and will likely be heading back to rest soon in order to find their third party member awaiting them before continuing their dive into the past of Harrowstone. The gameplay thread is there, should probably take a look at some of the bigger moments in the story so far.

OK was thinking a cleric and sorcerer(Empyreal) crossblooded if possible ....with a dip in probably inquisitor or something to help with skills

Parvin Ghazalah wrote:
Udaya Udas wrote:
Bigfolks wrote:
How do i join or is it to late.
Hey Bigfolks, you aren't too late to apply for this game. I responded to a similar post from you in another thread and provided a brief explanation of the recruitment process as well. Every recruitment is a little different but there are some 'best practices' that will serve you well when throwing in an application to any game - like this one. :) I covered some of them in the other thread. Good luck!

Hi Bigfolks and welcome to the Paizo boards!

Everything Udaya told you in the post on applying to games is excellent advice that should get you started. I want to add one more thing that might help in making characters to use in games here in case it might help.

Characters can be presented in a couple of different ways. Some people prefer to apply for games by posting character builds, backgrounds, and so forth in a spoiler in the recruitment thread. If they're selected they will then create a more permanent character by starting a new alias for the character, like I've done for Parvin here, or you've done as Bigfolks so you can post. Posting a character's information in spoilers for recruitment saves you from having to create a new alias before you know whether or not you will be selected for the game. Aliases can't be deleted (as far as I know) once they're created.

I prefer just going ahead and applying with a new (or in this case reused) alias. I put all the character information in by creating a profile. If you look at Parvin's profile you'll see what that looks like if it's added directly. If you prefer, you can instead just put in the most basic stuff and add a link to a character sheet you prefer to use. Some players like the sheet at Mythweavers for doing it this way.

If you want to add everything directly into the profile like I did with Parvin, it saves a lot of time to borrow a template from another created character...

They can be deleted if you haven't posted any messages yet.

Bigfolks wrote:
OK was thinking a cleric and sorcerer(Empyreal) crossblooded if possible

That will work, carry on and good luck!

Back to Violant, I guess I meant more...why would Professor Lorrimor go to Iblydos? Is there a particular association that would draw an academic from Avistan, especially one involved in understanding necromancy, there? (I don't know as much about Iblydos.)

For Mokmurian, be aware that we already have both an Investigator and a Bard in the party, so it may be important to differentiate what Tirath is bringing to the table.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Petyr Kindler wrote:

Back to Violant, I guess I meant more...why would Professor Lorrimor go to Iblydos? Is there a particular association that would draw an academic from Avistan, especially one involved in understanding necromancy, there? (I don't know as much about Iblydos.)

For Mokmurian, be aware that we already have both an Investigator and a Bard in the party, so it may be important to differentiate what Tirath is bringing to the table.

I tried to clarify that in the character sheet that it was the other way around, (having changed my mind some time after I created the character) that only Xoti was from Iblydos, whereas she was going to Ustalav to study. That way there's a reason for her to know the professor (striking up a bit of correspondence with him, possibly to investigate which faiths have a way of interfering with Necromancy and seeing if that effect can be replicated without divine intervention) and a reason to be late to the funeral (Xoti being in Iblydos far away). I had the wrong idea initially when basing it off of Lorrimor's travels, sorry about the confusion! (As I said, I was a bit rushed initially due to backtracking booting me out, so I had to come up with a somewhat viable reason, only then did I realize it's not viable at all.)

If i go with cleric Ecclesitheurge should I go with monk for my defense or inquisitor for skills....or try both rge

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