DM_Kumo Gekkou |

I am unsure on the answer.
My player has a +2 fey bane sword. She swings at +16 for 1d8+8 damage. Thus vs fey its +18 for 1d8+8+2d6 damage.
If she uses the sword on a fey creature non lethally she swings at a -4 I know but would the bane still work. Does the 2d6 for bane deal nonlethally and does she still get her +2?
(Ps sorry I'm on my phone so grammer sucks.)

Some call me Tim |
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I'd say the bane would apply as non-lethal damage.
The extra damage is the same type as the weapon is. For example, used normally the sword would do an extra 2d6 of slashing damage. Used non-lethally, the improved enhancement bonus and extra damage should apply.
BTW, since the sword is treated as having an enhancement bonus +2 better than normal, in your above example it shouuld +18 to hit for 1d8+10+2d6. Enhancement bonus applies to hit and to damage.

Some call me Tim |

My player has a +2 fey bane sword. She swings at +16 for 1d8+8 damage. Thus vs fey its +18 for 1d8+8+2d6 damage.
The +2 to damage is already counted in.
Huh? That doesn't match what you wrote above.
When used against an orc it is merely a +2 sword; so, you state +16 to-hit with 1d8+8 damage. I'll assume this is correct.
Used against a dryad it is treated as a +4 sword; hence, +18 to-hit and should be 1d8+10 plus 2d6.