How would you make an "Iconic" party of monster races for Golarion?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

Exactly what it sounds like. If you were going to make an "Iconic" party of reformed/trying-to-reform monster races for Golarion, how would you make it? Here's my idea for one:

-A Hobgoblin Paladin with a backstory roughly based on the Christian Saint Christopher, and the least Lawful Stupid Paladin in existence.

-A Neutral Goblin Inquisitor of the same faith as said Hobgoblin, and who the Hobgoblin was assigned to keep a close eye on, as while he tries his hardest to be good, sometimes he slips up in the typical Goblin manner.

-A Tiefling Alchemist/Celestial-Blooded Sorcerer descended from Daemons, with a skinny buglike right leg and left arm to show her Dhergodaemon heritage. Said celestial-blooded-ness would be said to have been granted via alchemical self-experimentation, and she uses her Cognatogen to maximize the effectiveness of said Sorcerous abilities. She is very no-nonsense and gruff, but also has lots and lots of body-image issues thanks to her Tiefling-ness.

-A Peri-kin Aasimar Bard with severe fire-related deformities (A massive scar over his right eye and a burned away chunk of his lips that results in his teeth being constantly exposed), who's still likable enough to have the high required Charisma score. Everyone thinks he's a Tiefling due to his appearance, including himself, and the actual Tiefling in the party has sort of a crush on him.

-A Strix Oracle who got her abilities as the result of experimentation on her by her Syrinx superiors, and was then thrown out as a "Failed" experiment.

I'll stat 'em up if you want. So, what'd your idea for an "Iconic" monster-based party be?

Shadow Lodge

I want to see more of the Tiefling cleric of Serenrae in the ARG. With her hair braided into the rams horns, and the red skin... damn she's awesome.

I actually already have a Peri-kin Aasimar with bad burns. Accidently burned her parents house down when her powers manifested. She ran away to the north pole, and absolutely dispises fire now. Andoletta blessed her with cold sorceress powers, so all her fire spells are cold spells now. And her burns turned into frost tracings.

Silver Crusade

Dotting for later :)

Liberty's Edge

Mikaze wrote:
Dotting for later :)

"For later" as in you have your own idea for a Monster Party or "For later" meaning "I'd like to see you stat up that party you wrote about in post 1"?

Silver Crusade

Both! :D

Leaning hard towards Tiefling Cleric(Sarenrae)(I'm with Thistledown there, cool character design and a natural concept), orc barbarian(celestial totems), goblin bard, harpy ranger, drow magus, and kobold sorcerer/paladin(dragon disciple?).

...Drow Ranger?

I could see a Gnoll fighter or rogue.

We ran a monster party a couple of years ago, I played a wererat. It was fun til the GM couldn't continue.

I have a monster party right now actually, it's set in a homebrewed campaign, we have a vampire, half-fiend, Frost giant, Rakshasa and a shrew like creature.

I love me my monster parties.

Do they have to be reformed? What about a traveling band of monsters just, you know, being monstrous? Attacking villages, serving masters, usually fighting to the death, hatching nefarious schemes and plans but leaving plenty of bread crumbs so any enterprising party of adventurers can foil them?

If I was going to create an 'iconic' monster party, I would more inclined to take all of the 'evil' class features that are rarely used for PCs. Necromancy as a specialization, a cleric of Urgathoa, a goblin scavenger rogue, an orc barbarian/cleric of Gozreh, stuff like that.

Dark Archive

I imagine the Goblin as a bumbling absent minded wizard. He has glued on facial hair and a wig with an especially pointy hat. His necklace is an eyeball He prides himself on overcoming his 'fears' but never overcame his obsessions with pickles, and 'treasure lands'(junk yards). He is known to eat half of the parties weekly rations in a day, leaving them scraping by. He is also convinced that he's quite the lady's man.

Hobgoblin Paladin works for me.

What about a Ratfolk Ranger? I mean come on who's better to be a Goblin's bestfriend?

And a pet Orc?! Keep those things on a chain until you want to unhook it and let it go rampage.

Dark Archive

Also I want a Kobold Bard who sings of the Yark yip Yarkelz! The greatest Kobold hero ever to live.

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