Deeper Darkness, Dark Vision, Faerie Fire, and Concealment.

Rules Questions

So yeah, this is a rather scenario heavy question, so we'll just dive right in.

Let's say I'm a Drow with the Deeper Darkness spell-like ability, as well as that of Faerie Fire. The party is in a cave or other locale with plain ol' darkness in effect. If I use Deeper Darkness in the confines of the regular Darkness, and we move into Deeper Darkness, does the concealment bonus for those with Dark Vision go to 20% or 50%? All the rules for Deeper Darkness says is "Areas of dim light and darkness become supernaturally dark. This functions like darkness, but even creatures with darkvision cannot see within the spell's confines."

This makes it sound like it's a full 50% drop, but just trying to see if it's a matter that Dark Vision just plain' doesn't work in supernatural darkness, or if it's simply that even for Dark Vision, it's indeed still pretty dark, but still functional to a limited extent.

Also in tandem with this, if I were to then use Faerie Fire on the assumed location of the baddies, would Deeper Darkness douse the light, or does that only effect it if Deeper Darkness is cast directly on the target? Obviously, Deeper Darkness would be more than a counter to Faerie Fire in just a straight counter situation, but does this counter extend to the whole area effected, or just the source? As a magical light source, Faerie Fire seems like it would operate in magical darkness, but at the same time that feels kinda wrong.

Anyway, that is my scenario for now, thanks in advance for any coming replies.

1. DV does not work at all in Deeper Darkness, in other words its just like a normal vision in Darkness, so its total concealment, 50% miss.

2. Deeper Darkness is a 3rd level Faerie Fire

Faerie Fire wrote:
...Outlined creatures do not benefit from the concealment normally provided by darkness (though a 2nd-level or higher magical darkness effect functions normally), blur, displacement, invisibility, or similar effects.

Faerie Fire is a lower level spell than Deeper Darkness so has no effect in the area, its a very dim outline of light around the creature, not a magic torch (not meant to be read as insulting). So there would be no effect within the confines of the area that was supernaturally dark.

Darkness (and therefore Deeper Darkness) wrote:
Magical light sources only increase the light level in an area if they are of a higher spell level than darkness.

Alright, thanks for the reply!

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