Spell Less Ranger?

Pathfinder Society

Liberty's Edge

I created a Human Ranger (haven't played him yet) and I just found the Spell Less Ranger alternate class put out by Kobold Press. Is this legal to play in PFS?

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

ignroamus012 wrote:
I created a Human Ranger (haven't played him yet) and I just found the Spell Less Ranger alternate class put out by Kobold Press. Is this legal to play in PFS?

Check out the Additional Resources page. It lists all the non-Core stuff that's legal for PFS. Just search for the product you have, and see if it lists anything as legal.

For your specific example, though, I'll go ahead and tell you that things not published by Paizo are never legal (unless there's some exception I'm unaware of).


3rd party content is generally not allowed in PFS. The trapper archetype and skirmisher archetype switch spellcasting for other abilities so it is possible to play a ranger that doesn't cast spells. Those archetypes are from APG and Ultimate Magic

Liberty's Edge

Robert Matthews 166 wrote:
3rd party content is generally not allowed in PFS. The trapper archetype and skirmisher archetype switch spellcasting for other abilities so it is possible to play a ranger that doesn't cast spells. Those archetypes are from APG and Ultimate Magic

Oh! I didn't know about the skirmisher archetype. If I use that and take a level or two of Rouge I can approximate the alternate class. Thanks!

4/5 *

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Jiggy wrote:

For your specific example, though, I'll go ahead and tell you that things not published by Paizo are never legal (unless there's some exception I'm unaware of).

Though they don't seem to mind letting authors use cheesy tricked out Tome of Horrors monsters...


They've stated before, and I'm sure they will again, PC guidelines <> NPC guidelines.

The worst I've seen as "tricked" out monster in PFS is from Kobold Quarterly, and written by a Paizo employee...

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