5th slot Advise for Kingmaker


Any suggestions for what the 5th person should play for a Kingmaker game? We are open to anything that is not centered around summons/pets

current group:
witch-healing patron (likes it and flavor)
ranger-we rolled stats and got lucky with good/decent stats for str/dex/con, so does a little bit of both with a 2h sword and archery feats
magus-str based

A bard. You have your caster bases covered, debuffing, and melee. Buffing/support would be perfect for this group.

Disclaimer: I think any 5 man band without a bard is pretty much gimped (barring some other bard analog).

Well you have

Healing/CC/Arcane Caster
DPS/buffing/Divine Caster
DPS/Scout/Divine Caster
DPS/Arcane Caster

You have most of your bases covered. You could go with a melee tank or a face. Trapfinder type (rogue or alchemist), Tank (Fighter/Barbarian/Paladin), Face (Bard/Sorc/Rogue/ect).You dont have a High CHA caster in the group. I understand that is a nice thing to have in Kingmaker. So I would suggest a Bard or a Sorc.

One of the bard archetypes that can detect traps. Face (important in kingmaker) buffing (great for a larger party), and all around skills covered. However traps dont play a huge role in kingmaker, so any kind of bard will probably do just fine.

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