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I have the feat http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/lingering-performance. I'm wondering how such a feat affect spells that duplicate these two bardic spells. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/v/virtuoso-performance as well as http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/shadowbard . Would the feat still apply to the second Bardic performance?
Say my character as a move action uses Inspire Courage than cast the first spell. On his next turn he uses another type of perforamce Dirge of Doom by means of the spell. I know if my character stops using Inspire Courage it's affect last for another two rounds. Would the effect of second Bardic performance also continue for two more rounds once the spell ends?

Mendeth |

First off the shadowbard is someone else using a bardic performance that happens to be similar to yours, so it will be unaffected by and not affect the other two.
virtuoso performance says one of the bardic performances immediately ends as the spell ends. Still, the lingering performance speaks only about the bonuses or penalties from an ended performance, so as the extra performance ends, the criteria for lingering are met and you can use your feat.

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Thanks for answering Mendeth. For a second there I was wondering i I should have had a more provacative title like "Is lingering performance broken" to get any response.
Talking it over with some of my co-worker who play PF they pretty much say the same thing. Shadowbard should not be covered by the feat. Virtuoso performance should be covered by the feat.