Saker |

Can someone verify that this is all correct. I'm trying to write a macro for a VTT game (MapTool) and I want to make sure I have all the mods correct. I'm going to use an overall bonus compared to the original CMB or CMD in my examples. So, if defender has a penalty and attack has a bonus, I add them together as a bonus for attacker just so I know the relative strengths of an action. I'm not going to consider bonuses from feats, BABs or size in my examples; only the relative roll from the initial grab attempt.
When successfully grappling a target, both gain the grappled condition which is a -4 DEX. This reduces both of their CMD's by 2. In addition, they both gain a -2 to attacks and combat maneuvers (-2 CMB) except when making a grapple check (attack or escape). For example, the one grappled could potentially trip someone nearby, but the grappler couldn't because he has to maintain with a standard action. Higher levels of grappling allow for the grappler to do other stuff with standard action.
So, does this mean the grappled targets first escape attempt is essentially at +2 (because both CMDs went down)?
Assuming the escape fails, the grappler then has to maintain hold and attempts to Pin. The target's CMD is 2 lower now and he gets a +5 to continue grapple, essentially making it a +7 compared to first roll.
Now the target is pinned and is denied DEX bonus (assume DEX 6 because of -4 unless original DEX was lower than 10?) and takes an additional -4 to AC (circumstance). Lets compare a high dex and no dex targets. The no dex target would be at -6 CMD and on the next grapple check by grappler would put his roll at +11. For a high dex character the check is even better adding the targets normal dex bonus to attackers next grapple check.
Now here's the part I'm unclear about: "Pinned is a more severe version of grappled, and their effects do not stack." Which effects? So, don't include the -4 DEX? Instead, just use the FFCMD (no dex or dodge. I know he's not actually FF). So instead of the next grapple check at +11 for no dex, it is at +9 (-4 AC, +5 maintain)? I just want to make sure this is what that line is talking about. (pretty sure this is correct way)
The pinned character still has the same escape chance of +2 because being pinned does not reduce his CMB (unless tiny or smaller with positive dex bonus) and grappler is at -4 DEX still.
Assuming the no dex target and the -4 DEX does not apply to pinned giving the grappler a +9 from original grapple check, in order to tie the pinned target, he'll be at -8 (+9 -10 to tie up, no bonus to maintain grapple -5, -2 for grappled condition)
Going from +9 to maintain, to -8 to tie up is pretty hard, imo. So, is Tie up still considered grappling? If so, we can add back the +5 and remove the -2 penalty making the Tie up roll at -1 from original grapple attempt for a no dex target.
Other questions:
Can a grappler move a target to the prone position without using trip?
Can a prone character initiate a grapple, succeed, then stand as move action without provoking AoO from grappled target?
Can a character grapple a prone target without going prone?
When aiding another, do they get the grappled condition as well?
Can an ally Tie Up pinned target?
Can you use Fighting Defensively with a grapple, including to maintain?