Options after PC death in RoW

Reign of Winter

I have been thinking about this and how are people planning on dealing with PC deaths when the group could be located in very strange locations.

I would rather the group try to raise the character but there may not be a cleric in reasonable access. My thoughts (once dancing hut is in play)

1. Take hut on a side quest (doesn't seem to fit the geas)
2. Give the hut the ability to raise characters if appropriate cost is paid including spell casting cost as well as components.

For replacement characters wouldn't they have to at least be partially restricted especially when adventures 4 and 5 are underway. I wouldn't expect many elf wizards in those settings for example.

On a side point where are there some good details on the setting for Maiden, mother, crone? Iobarria is it? Is it mostly monsters there or will core rulebook races also be living there?
Adventure could lead to some potentially exotic replacement characters.

There are two potential replacement characters in Maiden, Mother and Crone. Okay, only one is mentioned, but let's be realistic. There's two. ;) (Though the second depends on how things are roleplayed with that "prisoner" and if the GM has her reconcile at the end with her estranged.)

Who is the first? I haven't had chance to read through MMC in complete detail.

I noted the prisoner. But which one is mentioned. Is it the centaur?


The chap who was forced to guard the hut by Baba Yaga. Once you find the information needed to free him, he can become a cohort... or can be used as a replacement PC if needed.

Shadow Lodge

Lanathar wrote:

For replacement characters wouldn't they have to at least be partially restricted especially when adventures 4 and 5 are underway. I wouldn't expect many elf wizards in those settings for example.

I wouldn't be so sure. Baba Yaga plausibly disguised herself as a Castrovel elf on Triaxus, and Golarion's solar system is linked by portals (elf gates and otherwise, mostly otherwise) so it shouldn't be that hard to introduce a character of any race you want there. Though there is something to be said for playing a Triaxian or a dragonkin!


On a side point where are there some good details on the setting for Maiden, mother, crone? Iobarria is it? Is it mostly monsters there or will core rulebook races also be living there?

Adventure could lead to some potentially exotic replacement characters.

CRB races live there. Centaurs and cyclopses are prominent. I believe The Varnhold Vanishing contains a gazetteer Iobaria.

Liberty's Edge

One thing I like to do with any long-running adventure, and I was starting to do this during Snows of Summer, is to bring in a group of NPCs that are allies to the party. Part 1 has two such characters in Ten-Penny and Nadya. Once these characters are established and travel with the party the players become familiar with them. Upon a character death I always grant players the option of taking over the NPC (whom they can build however they like) or make a new character. Also, this pool of NPCs allows new players to join the group without difficulty, such as the player whom joined us while the party was in Waldsby and took over Nadya, rebuilding her to suit her tastes. To keep it realistic I also rotate out the supporting characters with story related events such as death or kidnapping or retirement, but mostly death. This keeps the supporting characters and their stories manageable and prevents character bloat.

I use them not like henchmen but more like supporting characters in a television show. They have their own stories and adventures but never have the kind of screen time or top billing of the main characters. If a main character dies a favorite supporting character may gain more screen time and rise to top billing.

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Yeah, I've been playing sessions and we're in Iobarria now at the Centaur City, where the Players are now camped up. They picked up Ten-Penny Tacey and Greta along the way and have been leveling them up and splitting experience, since there are only 2 players.

I allow them to play up to 3 characters at a time, and this is a huge help when inevitable characters die as the players don't rush off and sulk for the remainder of the game which is a big problem with only 1 PC at your hand. This gives them the excitement and all the troubles of having to spend hard-earned cash to raise dead where possible, without making the game boring or rushing to incorporate "new" characters.

It's worked out really well... the main players are still their favorites, but they now love Greta and Tacey and They now have a couple centaurs as well, we'll see how long that lasts for :)

It's been a really fun ride. This is my first Pathfinder Adventure Path and I and my players really love it so far. Reading the adventure at times makes you say "how is this going to work" but in practice it's worked out really well.

For example

During the frost Giant battle, the hut saved the day but not before Frost Giants split Tacey in 2 and brought Greta to 0. It had the desired effect, and since the hut "eats" the Frost Giants on hits, what happens is the players now are afraid to go back in because of the Frost Giants and the Guardian Barbarian Guy... So no problems getting them to leave the hut behind, even after they realized how powerful it was. This was a concern, that they'd just rely on the hut to kill everything, but the fact they can't even get back in to the egg to do the DC30 magic use really helped the flow of the game

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