Marking off Tier awards.

Pathfinder Society

Scarab Sages 2/5

Here in Little Rock we are getting to the point where we have enough 3rd and 4th level characters that we can start playing up and start playing tier 3-5 scenarios. This brought us to an interesting question. When you complete a tier 1-2 scenario you mark off the tier 4-5 awards. But when you complete that same scenario at tier 4-5 do you mark off the tier 1-2 awards? The PFS Guide to Organized play and a brief bit mentioned in the most recent Know Direction podcast seem to suggest that you do not. Some clarification from more experienced PFS GMs would be great.

Shane Walden

4/5 *

No, all rewards are cumulative. If you play the upper subtier of a scenario, you get access to everything listed for both.

Liberty's Edge

The gold isn't cumulative, just take the one appropriate for the tier, but everthing in the center section is (just to make sure there isn't any confusion).

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