Zelkor's Ferry Encounter Areas

Product Discussion

This is a question concerning running RA. Players, keep your eyes away!


Is there a typo with Zelkor's Ferry area? There doesn't seem to be an Encounter Table anywhere. Should you use the Dragonmarsh area encounter table instead? It seems like the closest area.

Thanks in advance.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

I noticed this too. I used the Sea Coast Road table in my game. Because it's the "safest" of the tables, and Zelkor's Ferry is the n00b area. For any of the human results, I describe them as patrolmen or other adventurers from the settlement. (Most of which end up being jerks, but ultimately non-hostile.)

The area doesn't seem very marsh-y to me anyway. ;-)

I'm not so sure of that. If you take a closer look at the map you'll notice that Zelkor's Ferry lies 20 miles south of the Forest of Hope's indicator and 20 miles SW of the Dragonmarch Lowlands "sign" on the map. It is surrounded by a lake and a river, and the troll's lair is not too far away either. In fact, Zelkor's Ferry lies almost as far as it gets from the Coast Road (40 miles westwar at least)...

Thank you anyway. It seems I'm not the only one wondering here...

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

Yea, I understand that it's nearby. What I meant by "not very marsh-y" was looking at the Zelkor's Environs map and the associated adventure-locations. They describe a forest, a hill, a lake, and other elements that feel more like a classic hilly/forest region.

On the Dragonmarsh encounter table, there are quicksand pits. Since there are no "hardcoded" quicksand pits in the region, (or other unstable terrain), I would feel odd plugging that sort of feature in.

*shrug* You also make strong points.

I think Erik solution is the good one... the zone should not be monster heavy

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