Lantern Lodge skills, classes & Monk weapons.

Pathfinder Society

Dark Archive

Best case, my willingness to try something different leads to new fun.
Middle case, I rebuild using level one rules.
Worst case, I lose a few scenarios to a pc I decide to never play again.

I only want to make a lantern lodge pc for their trait called Weapon Style(page 16 of the V.4.3 Organized Play Guide) granting proficiency in a monk weapon. Any suggestions and explanations why that weapon is so good will be very appreciated. I may be way out off on this but the campaign coordinator for society play said he may remove one or more factions from the campaign, so I want to grab this while it is still available. It may not get grandfathered in, but I want to try.

Also, does the faction have specific skills that are common in their faction missions or classes that tend to work very well or poorly for that faction? I am not fond of the monk, ninja, samurai classes so I am more interested in learning if any class is particularly poor for the faction. I want to stress my dislike for the mentioned classes is strictly based on not enjoying them mechanically wise, I am NOT one of those people who wine about eastern themes in those people's western themed campaigns.

Thanks all.

Raymond M. Lambert

Lantern Lodge 5/5 *

Actually, Lantern Lodge is fairly broad when it comes to potential skills. One that I've seen a few times more than others is Linguistics or having a few languages (particularly Tien for semi-obvious reasons).

For weapons, depends on what kind of character you're using.

Light: Nothing I super care for here. Kama and nunchaku are probably the most useful.

1H: Nine-section whip is my favorite; it's a bludgeoning longsword with the blocking, distracting, and tripping properties. Powerful, and looks cool if you can picture it in your head.

2H: The Sansetsukon is one of my favorite monk weapons: 1d10, 19-20 x2 crit range (and one of the few bludgeoning weapons with an expanded crit range), and gets you blocking (for +1 shield AC when fighting defensively) and disarm properties.

Double weapon: Kama-double chained is incredibly versatile. You can alternative between reach or double weapon mode, and can trip or disarm easily (although it doesn't have the disarm property).

Scarab Sages 4/5

If you think you'll be playing many season 0-2 scenarios, you'll want to grab Appraise and Diplomacy for all of the Qadiran missions. Diplomacy is pretty universally useful in PFS anyway.

As for Weapon Style, it saved my Fighting Fan ninja build. Without it I'd have had to use a feat (setting my feat chain back 2 levels) or dip a class archetype that gets the proficiency. Neither of those options seemed worth it for a weapon that does 1d4, gives a +2 to feint, and was mostly chosen for character concept reasons and the challenge of making an effective character that uses it.

Dark Archive

Thanks for the advice, now let us see if it can be used considering the faction cutting campaign leadership says is up for this week.

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