Liberating Command

Rules Questions

Silver Crusade

So this spell is a way to get an escape artist check to escape a grapple, which is awesome. Now here is my question - its an immediate action, which can be preformed at anytime. Say the caster gets grappled - since its an immediate action, does that mean there is no concentration check to cast this? I would imagin that is the intent, but the timing is the question.

Talos the Talon! wrote:
So this spell is a way to get an escape artist check to escape a grapple, which is awesome. Now here is my question - its an immediate action, which can be preformed at anytime. Say the caster gets grappled - since its an immediate action, does that mean there is no concentration check to cast this? I would imagin that is the intent, but the timing is the question.

You can't use it on yourself, as you won't have an immediate action left after casting it to use to escape. But get two casters with it and one can command the other, so you're set!

Silver Crusade

Drats! Looks like its good for contingency then

Talos the Talon! wrote:
Drats! Looks like its good for contingency then

It's also a good candidate for a wand as well. Takes your original immediate action cast time, and turns it into a standard leaving your immediate action free to escape the grapple. Then you still have a move if you choose to use it (provided you didn't use it to retrieve the wand).

Personally, I'd houserule the spell so it makes sense to be able to use it on yourself if you needed it.

But if your stuck with RAW, a wand should basically do what you want.

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