Another Eberron Thread


Okay, I am going to back to working on my personal Eberron conversions. One of the things I am looking at is a little bit of reflavoring. This is a matter of personal choice. I am not here to argue which is better, ro so forth.

One thing I am looking to do is to not include psionics. This is a personal thing and no reflection on psionics as a system. That said, I am going to need to change the Kalashtar slightly. Just making them arcane seems to cheapen the entire flavor. I was thinking that I would make them a major source of Summoners and Witches(stealing the Dreamweaver archetype for their use) on Eberron. I was also looking to include them as a source of dream magic, as in some 3pp supplements.

I guess what I am doing is seeing what other think of this as a viable option.

Liberty's Edge

Why change them? Leave them as is and use DSP psionics.

Given my own feelings towards psionics, I like where you are going with the idea. the Summoner I see more as being played like the eldion would be the main character while the summoner it self would be its tool through witch it reacts to the world.

ShadowcatX wrote:
Why change them? Leave them as is and use DSP psionics.

I refer you to the original post. It is a personal choice. I do not want to include psionics.

Yeah, I think finding some kind of dream magic would work well. The idea is that they're from the world of dreams, so if you're going to include that kind of magic, they'd be by far the most logical way.

Summoners could fit well too - the kalashtar and quori both have a sort of Eastern philosophy feel to them, so there's a lot you could do there. You might look up information about the tulpa - it's an Eastern concept of a dream creature made real, and would fit well with the kalashtar and Inspired.

I'm not sure I'd go for witches myself, though. They don't have the right flavor to me - they make bargains with outside creatures, where the kalashtar get their powers from inside. I guess you're assuming their "pact" is just an aspect of their quori bloodline?

Another consideration is that the Inspired rely on mind magic to do the infiltration thing, which is a huge part of their shtick. How are you going to replicate that? Witches and summoners aren't any good at that. Is your objection to the concept of mind magic, or do you just not like the sci-fi overtones of psionics?

Actually, I own DSP's material. I am just 'meh' on it.

I have decided to go with Dreamspun Archetype Sorcerer for a major part of the flavor. Maybe a Psychic Bloodline as well. I don't 'mind' mind magic. :P I am going to decide the things I need to cover their flavor, before I design a race conversion that keeps most of their essence while actually playing to their redesign.

Most of the conversions here concentrate on making all of the 3.5e rules fit Pathfinder before they even really see if there is a reasonable substitute' I'm of the opinion that all archetypes & classes don't have to be available to everybody. I want to make many archetypes regional/racial. Some classes aren't very common, or non-existent in some areas. I just think that some stuff loses it's flavor when EVERY PC can play it, no matter what race, or region of origin.

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Sounds like a fine plan to me. As long as you can cover the mind magic stuff, the difference between arcane magic and psionics isn't that significant. The only problem I see is that they lose some of their strangeness if they're using the same kind of arcane magic everybody else does - I'd try and avoid anyone else having access to dream magic.

SteelDraco wrote:
Sounds like a fine plan to me. As long as you can cover the mind magic stuff, the difference between arcane magic and psionics isn't that significant. The only problem I see is that they lose some of their strangeness if they're using the same kind of arcane magic everybody else does - I'd try and avoid anyone else having access to dream magic.

That's the plan. A separation of availability of certain things between races/regions. Some things make sense to have spread around, but others should just be, "That's how those Valenar/Kaleshatr/Orcs/Gnomes/Brelish do things."

Another thing is concerning Warforged. I am thinking of using some of Keith Baker's reasoning for 4e Warforged stats. This line of reasoning makes sense for Pathfinder, as well. It goes to show I am not going to discount some of the good ideas found in 4e. The stats will be closer to 4e than 3.5e.

Grand Lodge

I would like to point out that you can solve the Kalashtar and psionics issue by just not having them in the campaign. Just say that they are not a player option and do plots with the Emerald Claw or Lords of Dust instead of the Dreaming Dark. Psionics is pretty well integrated to Eberron, but they designed it in such a way that you don't have to have it as part of the game.

Dark Archive

I would like to point out that the Kalashtar and the Inspired are my favourite parts of the setting, and I'll be interested in seeing how the dream magic turns out.

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