Monk Style Feats - Extraordinary, Supernatural, or Spell-like?

Rules Questions

Scarab Sages

There's a number of monk style feats that produce "magical" effects, like Efreeti Touch, which emits a cone of fire, or Marid Coldsnap which shoots a 30' line of frozen water from your fists.

Are these abilities extraordinary, supernatural, or spell-like?

Effects like the ones you mention are (Su). Most feats are (ex), while a few are (Sp). The latter are often specifically called out in the feat description while the supernatural effects are hit or miss.

If nothing else, such effects that draw on a pool (such as ki or rage) are logically classified as the same type/nature as the pool itself unless the ability/effect/feat states otherwise.

Scarab Sages

They operate by expending charges of stunning fist or elemental fist, which are (Ex) abilities... but they seem (Su).

It would be nice if the rules actually specified... =)

4 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

It would, wouldn't it? :)

Thus for the FAQ:

Is Stunning Fist a supernatural ability or an extraordinary ability? What about Elemental Fist, Style feats that generate seemingly supernatural effects such as Efreeti Touch and Marid Coldsnap and similar abilities, feats and effects?

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