Ranged Weapons, Line of Sight, Etc.

Rules Questions

Alright, this is something that constantly keeps coming up in my group.

Do you need to have a clear shot at your target in order to hit them? Say there's a bunch of allies in front of you, can I still hit a target through them? Positioning example below:


or some version of that, where there's a living body between me and what I want to shoot. Do I have to move and have a clear shot of no people in between me and my target, or can I still make the shot?

I know that if you fire at someone in melee, you take the -4 penalty unless you have precise shot. So what if the position is

{me][ally][enemy] standing exactly like that. Can I take the shot, or do I have to move?

What's the rules for being able to shoot a target. I'm small sized, so does this make it harder?

Enemies and allies provide soft cover to your target and that would be +4 AC for the target. But it doesn't matter how many are in the way unless your DM says otherwise.

We recently came up with a house rule that says you can ignore any ally not in melee combat. The reasoning behind that is you can tell them to get out of the way. We also think the soft cover rule is a bit restrictive in what counts, so we included a partial soft cover. These rules also apply to reach weapons.

With soft cover, I don't believe size matters for range attacks.

House Rules: http://www.epicwords.com/forums/8847?post_id=80448#post80448

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