Best uses of Widen Spell


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

What are the best uses for the Widen Spell metamagic feat that you know of (or can think of)?

I'd think things like Archon's Aura on a Familiar empowered by Widen Spell would be pretty good, 40ft of the aura?
Other situational good ones:
Consecrate (40ft)
Daylight (120ft)
Darkness (40ft)

Personal question, your name rings a bell from the Star Wars RPG forums for some reason, are you one and the same?

Prayer for an army-sized battle. Big big aura spread.

Hallow,to cover a whole castle.

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Heavens Oracle with Color Spray?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yes, I spent some years on the Star Wars Saga forums. I created a popular FAQ compilation thread there and also worked on a few other community projects (such as the ever useful database spreadsheets).

Powerful effects for widen are not too hard to find, but it's tough to find useful lower-level ones.

Magic Circle vs. Evil (20' radius, still lower than Holy Aura)
Hallow or Cloudkill
Anti-magic Field
Holy Word or Delayed Blast Fireball (enemies may position themselves out 25' thinking their safe)
Meteor Swarm (4 x 80'radius blasts - bigger than a flipmat)

I think the problem here is that Widen Spell is useful, but costs way too many spell levels than it's worth.

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