Tauric |
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Hello all,
My group and I are planning on playing Kingmaker (I will DM) after our current campaign (CoT), but we have also been watching RoW with much excitement. Our first idea was to do them back to back, with the action of RoW starting in the kingdom. But I was thinking that given the fae heavy themes of each book, are they too much alike?
And then I wondered, are there certain scenarios, not necessarily modules, just bits, that could be lifted from RoW and put in Kingmaker?
I think it would lend an even greater fairy-tale feel to the story.

KidDangerous |

I'm thinking of doing something similar. I'm going to have Heldren be in the same nation (in my homebrew) that Kingamaker will take place in. I'm thinking of having
Don't have much more information for you sorry as I'm still reading the two APs through but I'll keep an eye on this thread for interest.

Lee Hanna |
I'll be watching this thread for replies. One of my PCs is a winter-themed Oracle, and I'm playing up the Russian elements in my game.
I'm also a minor student of the Russian Civil War, so the book in which they teleport to Siberia has my interest. I've already had to promise my wife I won't swap that adventure into this campaign, though.

GM_Solspiral RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |
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Overall: I'm doing lesser versions of first world looms throughout the last four books and calling them summer blooms. Winter blooms could be used as a representation of a more "Jim Butcher" style set of fey courts. Meaning you can deadlift much of RoW into kingmaker.
Copy paste from Snows of Summer to Stolen Lands:
1) Make Lady Argenta Brevic and add a second bandit camp more loosly affiliated with the Stage Lord. Adding a reweard and perhaps securing an additional tie to Restev or perhaps more interesting she could be from Pitax or Mivon. Personally I'd stick them somewhere around River's crossing.
2) Heldren can easily be a hamlet in the same square a Bokken's hut. Bokken is still a hermit but lets visitors buy his wares. Serves as a base and could easily be a starting jump on a 1st city (though I'd give lightly less BPs along with a few free buildings.)
3) The winter witch dude is simply a lesser fey, he could easily be offensive to the Stag lord who sends some men to deal with him perhaps leaving an opening for the PCs to interact with that fallen paladin character before the fort confrontation.
4) Drop Giant Weasle in one hex, mantis in another.
I'll deal with shackled hut to Rivers Run Red in another post.

GM_Solspiral RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |
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Shackled Hut to Rivers Run Red
Wood wife's plight and haunted village are fine to just striaight life and seed.
Villains form haunted village could be added to forgotten tower to make it a little more difficult.
Greta and any of the winter wolves you want to bring over could have cloaks that do the reverse of the winter wolf cloak and make winter wolves capable of staying human (or simply let the existing item do both.) I like them being "pack" with our unfortunate werewolf barbarian.
Backalley boys and grind tooth could well be bandits.
Clocktower could simply be yet anoter ruin to explore, it being known that a witch lives there. Change the dialogue about the old belldame and make their rumors to be a good witch and bad witch (maybe actually convert the sorcy to actual witch stats.) More parallels the rumors of gree dragon (drake) and or white dragon. The Pcs could easily be led here to look for Tig.
Sadly the dawnbiringers don't fit nor does the end. I'd maybe add Nazhena back in as a minion of the fellknight queen if you run that.

GM_Solspiral RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |
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Maiden Mother Crone and Varnhold Vanishing could mix very well as MMC could well be a red herring. Artrosa and the dungeon could well be lifted and either replace Vodraki or Vordraki could be there if one were so inclined.
The evil centaur, his frost giant allies and his centaur slaves are another possible prize to the nomencentaurs, further stregthening an alliance there.

GM_Solspiral RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |
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I'm actually now running a 2nd Kingmaker campaign. I actually never got to run the first book as my curent game I took over for another DM. Psyched because I'll be mashing this one up with Reign of Winter and Tales of the Old Margreve. My other kingmaker is very political and I expect this one will be too but this one will also have allot of Dark Fairy tale elements.
For Book Four Drelev is too dam similar to Ivoretti, and it makes no sense he would even challenge the kingdom with the pitiance of resources at his disposal at the start of the book.
2 things Drelev has going are some decent high powered minions and a very tough fortress.
Book 4 reign of winter takes place on Trilaxia and has allot of great elements like dragonkin riders and drakes. They have neat barbarians and sorc stats as well.
What it a powerful Trilaxian wizard banished an enemy army to Goloran and that Army landed in the hooktogue slough. Hard pressed by barbarians, Pitax, the boggards, and these new invaders forces Drelev to do something desperate, he contacts these new aliens and brokers a deal.
With dragonriders and a stronghold suddenly there's a powerful new threat in the region, Pitax allies with the barbarians and gives them a heads p on the location of their artifacts as well as better improved arms and armor.
The Boggards seeing the end of their world on the horizon ally wth their old racial enemy the bogstrider and any other horror in the swap they can rally to absolutely cutoff incursions.
The attack on Tatzleford and the warning still happen but its a bandit band (same stat) fleeing Drelev's lands that tries to take the town over. The girl still warns f the band's approach and relays the horrors the new aliens are committing, explaining that Drelev made a deal but it was out of fear of the barbarians.
If the PCs don't intervene dragon riders start making raids on their civs.
The set up for assaulting the fortress and a mash up of castle drelev and the mountain stronghold are easily achieved making a much much more deadly and compelling book 4.

Captin Kuro |
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I am currently running both Kingmaker and Reign of Winter for two different groups and realized that both mesh rather well. As such I decided to incorporate some elements of Irrisen into Kingmaker by having agents of Irrisen start scouting out the Greenbelt as a possible place Queen Elvanna may touch with her ritual. Due to the powerful Fey influence there I belive that the Greenbelt would probably lie upon one of the leylines the Queen is using, and with this remote backwater under development into new kingdoms it may be easier to conquer these regions if there were already agents in place to do so. Indeed they may even steer some of these kingdoms into being predisposed to ally with the Winter Witches (of course the witches will only keep this going until they are not needed, then conquer them easily and may even make such a coup seem legit). Since Kingmaker takes places several years before Reign of Winter the Players are unlikely to have to deal with any supernatural winter appearing in their lands until after Kingmaker has run its course. Just an idea, hope it helps.