Awesome Lesser planar allies?


I am playing my first Saced Servant Pally.

Starting at level 8.

I don't get into summoning much.
1/week I can use Lesser Planar Ally.

Any Kick ass or just really useful ones?

I was figuring to use it as a 'Holy Crap we need help'button.
(Since my party got caught out and lost two member- my guy included)

Hound archons. Nice permanent aura, great to have alongside you, several useful spells -- e.g., aid on your whole party, regularly renewed.

Sovereign Court

Well, there's some text in Planar Ally that suggests your god (not you) picks what outsider to send to you.

This is true, but most good gods aren't into looking for loopholes in the request the way certain evil outsiders are.

Talk about it with your DM.

Sovereign Court

True, just thought I should mention it though.

And I concur about the hound archons. My wizard is a big fan, Augmented Hound Archons are awesome tanks.

The other thing with the planar ally spells is that, unlike the summon monster spells, they're not very good "Oh, crap!" buttons. The ten minute casting time means you need to plan in advance.

And look carefully at the costs and modifiers -- you will want to work with your GM on stuff like this!) Generally you want something that can accompany you and help you, possibly without getting into too much danger itself. Ideally you want to call them only in situations that are strongly aligned with their ethos and interests (which usually means "something very important to your good.")

One thing I found useful was making the payment in terms of magic items -- if you can give a hound archon a +1 greatsword as his payment, not only does that effectively sell a magic item for you, but the hound archon is more effective while fighting at your side. (And, if you call that specific one again, will he still have it? GM's call -- but a lot of all the outsider-summoning spells are very much GM's call on a lot of things. Work with yours on this.)

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