Zombie hordes ala the Walking Dead


Liberty's Edge

Are there rules for running a group of zombies and getting them to attack like a swarm or horde like we see on AMC's The Walking Dead?

Like where multiple zombies grab (grapple) a character and claw and bite in numbers where the character gets (or has the potential to become) so overwhelmed the zombies can drag him down? Its a great staple to zombie movies that I want to incorporate into our games but I can't quite pull it off.

Lantern Lodge

I think "Aid Another" on grapple attempts is good enough to represent zombie tactics. Each redundant zombie grants the grappling zombie a +2.

A large enough horde would have a very good chance of grappling someone. Once grappled, the target would have -4 dex, and the zombies could then aid an attempt to pin. The pinned condition is pretty bad, as a lot of zombies would be getting +4 to hit on top of a loss of dex bonus, including the one grappling.

Liberty's Edge

That makes perfect sense.

What about space though? If a medium zombie takes a 5x5 space does that mean only 8 zombies can attack or can they squeeze in to get more in on the fun?

They can squeeze, but consequently take a -4 penalty on their attack rolls, but then again, choke points are as much a staple of the genre as are the hordes. That said the +14 from 7 aid another actions should probably be sufficient to get the feeling of the horde on all but the most powerful characters.

You could easily make swarm rules for Zombies. I don't really have time to do it myself as I'm at work on my lunch but you can just determine a size, damage, special abilities, HP and AC and go from there. The size of the horde should improve its HP but probably not its damage. I would give it DR of some kind, rules that require it to grapple on every hit and a mindless feeding type rule that requires it to stop and continue attacking anything it grapples, and if it kills the target it consumes the body and possibly regenerates HP, but has penalties to defense for a round or two while it feeds.

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