What would you do in this situation?

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Grand Lodge

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Based on the follow up data, the topic is spurious at best.

The Exchange

Azaelas Fayth wrote:

I had the hardcopies.

@feytharn: I am being civil. I am waiting for the thread to get on-topic.

Well let's continue with the topic at hand, what were those numbers. So others might learn about these laws you keep bringing up. I think a few of our lawyer friends, and even some of the numerous active and former military posters, might find them very interesting.

The first post. That is the topic. Isn't that Forum Basics?

The Exchange

So... is that a no on that info?

I don't have the info and can't get it til the Recruiters return to my hometown on April 13th. And that is only if we get the same recruiters.

The Exchange

The recruiters don't stay in town? that's... unusual, let's say.

I thought you had the copies, or were they kept only by certain recruiters with special clearance to posses obscure legal documents?

The Exchange

Tell you what, how about you just give us the phone number for the recruitment office, and I'll call up there Monday morning and get the info myself? Saves you the trouble and this way I can just share them here when I get it.

They are keeping them to show the others who fell under those Laws.

My hometown is horrible if you want to open up anything inside the city limits.

We literally have had an Arcade, Bowling Alley, Numerous Manufacturers, and offices being refused to open shop here. The Recruiters are only allowed to open up a Office for 2 Weekends a Month.

The Exchange

Yes, but certainly they're allowed a telephone under Latverian law, aren't they?

The Exchange

Or do they have to have a new phone number every time they come to town?

I know the office here just uses Cell Phones... Seems I forgot to grab business cards...

I don't live in Springfield. I said I am in Springfield. Though I might have even said Springfield Area.

The Exchange

Springfield, MO right? I'll just look up the number myself.

The Exchange

471-881-4044, maybe someone is there?

The Exchange

Azaelas Fayth wrote:

I know the office here just uses Cell Phones... Seems I forgot to grab business cards...

I don't live in Springfield. I said I am in Springfield. Though I might have even said Springfield Area.

You said you were in Springfield last night, at the office. So what town do you live in?

I never said their office was in Springfield. I was posting from a Phone heading to my hometown.

& I would be an Idiot to post that with how my town is. Last time someone posted it they got investigated for being a Terrorist (I was included in their investigation f****** Cousin). Needless to say: Our cops are all rejects from true Police Forces.

The Exchange

How can we validate what you're telling us if you don't help us out? I mean we can squash all the doubters right here and now if you just work with us.

The Exchange

Azaelas Fayth wrote:

I never said their office was in Springfield. I was posting from a Phone heading to my hometown.

& I would be an Idiot to post that with how my town is. Last time someone posted it they got investigated for being a Terrorist (I was included in their investigation f****** Cousin). Needless to say: Our cops are all rejects from true Police Forces.

Well yes, you just said you were in Springfield last night, and last night you said you were at their office. 2+2 normally equals 4.

Giving out the name of your town is a terrorist activity? O.o

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Azaelas Fayth wrote:

I never said their office was in Springfield. I was posting from a Phone heading to my hometown.

& I would be an Idiot to post that with how my town is. Last time someone posted it they got investigated for being a Terrorist

Wait, what? Posting phone numbers from Springfield, Missouri on the internet is enough to get investigated for terrorism? Man, stock in tinfoil is going to go through the roof if this keeps up.

Yeah... I will tell you what:

I live in a small town that just had 3 Murders & the cops immediately jumped to the conclusion that it was some Terrorist Cult looking to sacrifice people in a Ritual in an attempt to take over the U.S.

Liberty's Edge

Azaelas Fayth wrote:

Yeah... I will tell you what:

I live in a small town that just had 3 Murders & the cops immediately jumped to the conclusion that it was some Terrorist Cult looking to sacrifice people in a Ritual in an attempt to take over the U.S.

Let me go check Fark to verify this...

The Exchange

Azaelas Fayth wrote:

Yeah... I will tell you what:

I live in a small town that just had 3 Murders & the cops immediately jumped to the conclusion that it was some Terrorist Cult looking to sacrifice people in a Ritual in an attempt to take over the U.S.

And they have your cell phone tapped?

The Exchange

Well according to the recruitment station in Springfield, no such laws exist.

No... They literally pay someone to search through the Internet for any reference for the Town's Name.

Knowing the current guy he has found this thread.

P.S. Those laws were on the books since 1948 or 1949.

The Exchange

I'm afraid those guys in uniform that are there only two weekends a month, lied to you. You didn't let them take any photos of you did you?

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I've got enough material for several hectares of crops!

The Exchange

Azaelas Fayth wrote:

No... They literally pay someone to search through the Internet for any reference for the Town's Name.

Knowing the current guy he has found this thread.

P.S. Those laws were on the books since 1948 or 1949.

Well if he is reading this:

He can bite my shiny metal ass.

The Exchange

Azaelas Fayth wrote:

No... They literally pay someone to search through the Internet for any reference for the Town's Name.

Knowing the current guy he has found this thread.

P.S. Those laws were on the books since 1948 or 1949.

I'm pretty sure you said back on page 1, that those were passed in response to actions during the Gulf. That was a bit after the 40's.

He just called me. I am listening to him now. He is gonna have them investigate the group that comes down here.

I thought they were. But apparently not.

The Exchange

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
He just called me. I am listening to him now. He is gonna have them investigate the group that comes down here.

Who just called you? The spy for the police state? or the recruiter?

Moorluck wrote:
Azaelas Fayth wrote:

No... They literally pay someone to search through the Internet for any reference for the Town's Name.

Knowing the current guy he has found this thread.

P.S. Those laws were on the books since 1948 or 1949.

Well if he is reading this:

He can bite my shiny metal ass.

And my shiny metal bwain!

Their Searcher. He is pissed.

EDIT: I was just told that I can either close the thread or they will take action against me.

The Exchange

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Their Searcher. He is pissed.

Oh well, tell him that he can look me up and suck it.

Please keep it up. I wanna see what they try to pull.

Especially since I am laid up do to my knee right now.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Azaelas Fayth wrote:

Their Searcher. He is pissed.

EDIT: I was just told that I can either close the thread or they will take action against me.


The Exchange


Oh crap they found a local ordinance. They can seize my laptop if I continue posting...

The Exchange

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Now when you say pissed, do you mean he's mad or just really drunk and urinating on himself?

The Exchange

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Oh crap they found a local ordinance. They can seize my laptop if I continue posting...

I actually applaud your commitment. I think you might need to be committed, but I do applaud your commitment.



The Chief of Police & him are madder than a Mother Boar protecting her Piglets.

EDIT: The local ordinance for the County allows the Police to Seize an item as evidence for an investigation as long as they want. Alongside charging for the person to get the item back...

The Exchange

Well quick, get out of town and change your name. You have to go the lamb or you'll get sent to the work camps in East SiberMissoriStan.

The Exchange

Shadowborn wrote:

*grabs handful and snarfs it down*

I'm working up an appetite.

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I love performance art!

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If they come then go all "This is Sparta" on them, they'll learn why the UN is afraid of you real fast.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

::dies laughing::

This was very amusing, and much needed after the week of crappy crappiness that is just now going to give me a break.

Thank you kindly, Mr. President, for your hard work and dedication to the happiness of your fellow FAWTLies!

Jess Door wrote:

::dies laughing::

This was very amusing, and much needed after the week of crappy crappiness that is just now going to give me a break.

Thank you kindly, Mr. President, for your hard work and dedication to the happiness of your fellow FAWTLies!

You are very welcome my dear.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hehe, I came for your laptop too... OH!

Todd: Love Machine wrote:
Hehe, I came for your laptop too... OH!

We are not amused. You do not want to insight the wrath of <Redacted>, Mo., you will cease and desist immediately!

Little late. Sorry, I gunked up your CD tray. Hehe...

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