Undead Monster

Trolleater's page

10 posts. Alias of Moorluck.



I like this place. Always plenty to eat.

So when's the buffet get here?

flash_cxxi wrote:

*Brings an armful of wood and some lighter fluid*

"I think some people are gonna need this soon, so I thought I'd help out. I woulda brought a flame thrower, but I thought that it might just be too easy." :)

Is it dinner time yet?

and "Lisa Rocks."

No trolls? What the hell am I supposed to eat?

hgfgqiuergfq post

Now see, this one woulda been a friggin all I could eat buffet. :/

Honest Trollperson wrote:
Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:
This thread is a forum troll's dream.

Huh! What?

I'm awake, I'm awake... wasn't sleeping, just resting the eyes while doing some math in my head.

Oooh, look, somebody ordered me some take out.

I'm still waiting for him to come back so I can finish my meal.

Garydee wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
Garydee wrote:
*High fives Moorluck* Good comeback on the political thread.
Hey, we scored points too. It just took a while. I don't buy the 'only M's claim bit' but we'll let him slide as we rost his liver on the hibachi and serve it with fava beans and a nice cianti.
Yeah we did but Moorluck just roasted that dude. I loved it!

I like 'em cooked first. ;)